Universal Journal of Geoscience(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 3(4), pp. 127 - 134
DOI: 10.13189/ujg.2015.030402
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Analysis of Intermediate-scale Reservoir Heterogeneity Based on Well Exposed Outcrop Analogue within the Maastrichtian Enagi Formation, Bida Basin, North Western Nigeria

Goro A. I. *, Okosun E. A. , Salihu H. D. , Tenimu S.
Department of Geology, Federal University of Technology, Nigeria


Analysis of intermediate-scale reservoir heterogeneity in a well exposed outcrop analogue of a point bar deposit within the Enagi Formation was carried out in order to reveal its reservoir dimensions. The study area is located in northern part of Bida basin, Nigeria. Three lithofacies were identified: (1) conglomerate facies interpreted as channel lag deposits; (2) epsilon and trough cross-bedded, fine to medium grained, sandstone facies interpreted as products of lateral accretion and 3D migration of subaqueous dunes in a mixed-load channel system; and (3) mudstone facies recording overbank deposits. Outcrop measurements reveal reservoir dimensions as follows: 1) bankfull channel depth of 3.9 m; 2) bankfull channel width of 31.5 m; 3) reservoir width (meander amplitude) of 132 m; and 4) reservoir length (meander wavelength) of 911 m. Analysis of internal lithologic variability within the point bar deposit allowed the detection of three main internal reservoir heterogeneities. They include: a) vertical reservoir heterogeneity resulting from overall fining-up trend within the point bar deposits; b) small scale vertical heterogeneity owing to fining-up grain size within each lateral accretion unit; c) lateral reservoir compartmentalization due to mud-drapes observed on some of the lateral accretion surfaces. Information provided in this work has implications for improved computation of Stock Tank Oil in Place (STOIP) at the initial stage of exploration and in planning of well spacing during development and production stages. This work, also suggests that field measurements on outcrop analogues combined with empirical computation of reservoir dimensions provides valuable information useful at all stages of exploration and development of an oil field.

Reservoir, Fluvial, Point Bar, Heterogeneity

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[1] Goro A. I. , Okosun E. A. , Salihu H. D. , Tenimu S. , "Analysis of Intermediate-scale Reservoir Heterogeneity Based on Well Exposed Outcrop Analogue within the Maastrichtian Enagi Formation, Bida Basin, North Western Nigeria," Universal Journal of Geoscience(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 127 - 134, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/ujg.2015.030402.

(b). APA Format:
Goro A. I. , Okosun E. A. , Salihu H. D. , Tenimu S. (2015). Analysis of Intermediate-scale Reservoir Heterogeneity Based on Well Exposed Outcrop Analogue within the Maastrichtian Enagi Formation, Bida Basin, North Western Nigeria. Universal Journal of Geoscience(CEASE PUBLICATION), 3(4), 127 - 134. DOI: 10.13189/ujg.2015.030402.