Environment and Ecology Research Vol. 3(3), pp. 51 - 59
DOI: 10.13189/eer.2015.030301
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Effects of Salinity on Growth, Feeding and the mRNA Expression of Na+/K+-ATPase and HSP 90 in Liza haematocheila

Anglu Shen 1,2, Keji Jiang 1,2, Jing Wang 1,2, Xinqiang Shen 1,2,*
1 Key Laboratory of East China Sea & Oceanic Fishery Resources Exploitation and Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture, China
2 East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, China


The effects of various salinities on growth, feeding and the mRNA expression of related genes in Liza haematocheilus were investigated. Fish were maintained at four salinities for 30 days to analyse the specific growth rate (SGR), the feeding rates (FR) of L. haematocheilus, and the mRNA expression of Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) and Hsp 90 were measured at 0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 d, respectively. The results showed that the SGR of L. haematocheilus at 14 psu group was higher than the 2 and 42 psu group significantly; the FR of L. haematocheilus at 14 psu group was the highest and the 2 psu group was the lowest at 20 or 30 day; the NKA mRNA abundances in L. haematocheilus were increased significantly in the 2, 14 and 42 psu groups at 5 day (P < 0.05), and the lowest level emerged in the control group (28 psu), the same relationship was observed for Hsp 90 but the change scopes were smaller. The results indicate that the increased expression of NKA and Hsp 90 mRNA in L. haematocheilus is a part of the molecular responses to the osmotic stress of changes in salinity.

Liza haematocheilus, Salinity, Specific Growth Rate, Feeding Rates, Na+/K+-ATPase, HSP 90

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Anglu Shen , Keji Jiang , Jing Wang , Xinqiang Shen , "Effects of Salinity on Growth, Feeding and the mRNA Expression of Na+/K+-ATPase and HSP 90 in Liza haematocheila," Environment and Ecology Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 51 - 59, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2015.030301.

(b). APA Format:
Anglu Shen , Keji Jiang , Jing Wang , Xinqiang Shen (2015). Effects of Salinity on Growth, Feeding and the mRNA Expression of Na+/K+-ATPase and HSP 90 in Liza haematocheila. Environment and Ecology Research, 3(3), 51 - 59. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2015.030301.