Journals Information
Universal Journal of Physics and Application Vol. 9(2), pp. 47 - 57
DOI: 10.13189/ujpa.2015.090201
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Some Problems of Relativistic Thermodynamics Allowing for Primordial Substance Anisotropy
E. V. Veitsman *
Veitsman's Science Project, 28 Apartment, 5 Klimashkin Str., Russia
Some processes of heat and electrical charge transfer under relativistic conditions have been studied allowing for primordial substance anisotropy. In particular, electrical charge convection and conductivity were examined in the framework of 3-D and 4-D formalisms. Dependences were obtained in which the left-hand-sides and right-hand-sides transformed identically as v→c where v was the velocity of the object under study, c was the speed of light. Dependences were also obtained for the heat transfer in the framework of 4-D formalism under relativistic conditions when the substance in the system was primordially anisotropic. The above dependences for the charge transfer are correct for systems where charges, e.g., electrons, can move more quickly than photons (Cherenkov's case). A consistent relativistic thermodynamics was also to be obtainable only if H.Ott's temperature transformation under relativistic conditions takes place. Range of Considered Symbols. Jα and Jα are the contravariant and covariant 4-current density; Jα is the 3-current density; Ex, Ey, Ez are the tensor components of the electrical field intensity. Bx, By, Bz are the tensor components of the magnetic field intensity; σ is the conductivity; ρ is the charge density; uα, uβ are the contravariant and covariant dimensional velocities; σαβ (Lαβ) is the conductivity tensor; T is the temperature; ∆ια(β) are the vectors oriented in space; s is the invariant interval; Gβ and Gα are the covariant and contravariant 3D-electrical intensity; Eβ and Eβ are the covariant and contravariant 4D-electrical intensity; q is the quantity of heat which is allocating in unit of volume per unit of time (J ∙ cm-3 ∙ s-1); ∧αβ and ∧αβ are the contravariant and covariant 4-tensor of conductivity; is the heat flux contravariant 4D-vector; is the heat flux coefficient (contravariant 4-tensor).
Relativistic Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Charge Transfer, Conductivity, Relativistic Temperature, Convection Charge Transfer, Joule Heat, Cherenkov's Case
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[1] E. V. Veitsman , "Some Problems of Relativistic Thermodynamics Allowing for Primordial Substance Anisotropy," Universal Journal of Physics and Application, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 47 - 57, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/ujpa.2015.090201.
(b). APA Format:
E. V. Veitsman (2015). Some Problems of Relativistic Thermodynamics Allowing for Primordial Substance Anisotropy. Universal Journal of Physics and Application, 9(2), 47 - 57. DOI: 10.13189/ujpa.2015.090201.