Universal Journal of Plant Science Vol. 1(2), pp. 49 - 54
DOI: 10.13189/ujps.2013.010204
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Estimation of New Tetraploid Apple Forms as Donors of Diploid Gametes for Selection on a Polyploidy Level

G. A. Sedysheva *, N. G. Gorbacheva
SSI All Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding, Orel, Russia


The comparative analysis of meiosis in a process of microsporogenesis in a number of new tetraploid apple forms is given. The suitability of these apple forms for the application in breeding on a polyploidy level as donors of diploid gametes have been determined. Forms 25-37-47 (SR0523, 2x X Antonovka ploskaya, 4x) and 30-47-88 (Liberty, 2x X 13-6-106, 4x) are especially valuable as initial forms for breeding, since they give a sufficient amount of the fertile pollen and carry genes of immunity to scab: Form 25-37-47 carries gene Vm and Form 30-47-88 carries gene Vf that is very important for the development of new adaptive and high-qualitative triploid apple cultivars.

Apple, Tetraploids, Triploids, Cultivar, Meiosis, Microsporogenesis, Microspores, Gametes, Donor

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[1] G. A. Sedysheva , N. G. Gorbacheva , "Estimation of New Tetraploid Apple Forms as Donors of Diploid Gametes for Selection on a Polyploidy Level," Universal Journal of Plant Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 49 - 54, 2013. DOI: 10.13189/ujps.2013.010204.

(b). APA Format:
G. A. Sedysheva , N. G. Gorbacheva (2013). Estimation of New Tetraploid Apple Forms as Donors of Diploid Gametes for Selection on a Polyploidy Level. Universal Journal of Plant Science, 1(2), 49 - 54. DOI: 10.13189/ujps.2013.010204.