Advances in Economics and Business Vol. 3(4), pp. 124 - 132
DOI: 10.13189/aeb.2015.030402
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Strategies of Beef Cattle Development Enterprise in Selected Areas of Bangladesh

P. K. Sarma 1,*, S. K. Raha 2
1 Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES), Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
2 Department of Agribusiness and Marketing, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh


The study is an attempt to scrutinize the existing internal and external factors, alternative strategies and priorities of the strategies applied in enhancing beef cattle agribusiness at Pabna and Sirajganj districts in Bangladesh. The primary data of the study were collected by employing various methods including survey, FGD, KII and observation. The sample size was 180 which were selected through convenience sampling technique. The following analytical tools were employed (i)designing SWOT matrix using the EFE-IFE criterion (ii) evaluation the SWOT matrix using the SPACE matrix, and (iii) designing the quantitative strategic programming matrix (QSPM). By analyzing all the factors from SWOT matrix four strategies were designed to determine the beef cattle development enterprise. The best strategy was selected by using QSPM matrix. The results reveal that IFE is 2.610, EFE is 2.438 and the total weighted score of 5.833 which indicates the potential opportunity for beef cattle development by their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. Based on the findings of the study a strategy is recommended for beef cattle development enterprise.

Beef Cattle Agribusiness, Strategies, IFE-EFE Matrix and SWOT Analysis

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] P. K. Sarma , S. K. Raha , "Strategies of Beef Cattle Development Enterprise in Selected Areas of Bangladesh," Advances in Economics and Business, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 124 - 132, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/aeb.2015.030402.

(b). APA Format:
P. K. Sarma , S. K. Raha (2015). Strategies of Beef Cattle Development Enterprise in Selected Areas of Bangladesh. Advances in Economics and Business, 3(4), 124 - 132. DOI: 10.13189/aeb.2015.030402.