Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 3(3), pp. 220 - 228
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2015.030308
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Taiwan's Chinese Language Development and the Creation of Language Teaching Analysis

Cheng-Hui Tsai 1,*, Chuan-Po Wang 2
1 Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
2 Department of Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan


Chinese Teaching in Taiwan in recent years in response to the international trend of development, making at all levels of Chinese language teaching in full swing, for the recent boom in Chinese language teaching, many overseas Chinese language learning for children also had a passion while actively learning Chinese language, and even many overseas ethnic Chinese children to learn Chinese language and went oceans, arrived in Taiwan to learn Mandarin. This study presents the Chinese language teaching, the definition is as "Chinese" as the Chinese language and voice, and "Chinese" is for the Chinese literature and culture; therefore will combine "cultural points" "language spots"; coherent development into a "Chinese Language Line "; then woven into a" Chinese language teaching face "; Finally, integration into the world," Chinese language curriculum integration network. " The integration of language teaching in China, among other disciplines, is very important for Chinese language teaching essence. Research will examine the views discussed "Chinese language integration courses" to carry out, how to make a solid foundation for Chinese language teaching language skills, you can make the Chinese language teaching to deepen the connotation of Chinese literature, culture, society, history ...... so, even indigenous multi-ethnic ...... and other related courses, either in Taiwan or overseas Chinese language teaching of foreign learners begin to experience the multicultural make baptism as the goal, and then deep essence and mystery of Chinese culture for thousands of years at the world, creating new culture of "diversity of thinking," and a full range of "polygonal learning" to make "cultural communities" international exchanges bring out the bright spark of a new era.

Chinese Language Curriculum Integration, Multiculturalism, Pluralism Thinking, Polygonal Learning, Ethnic Culture

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Cheng-Hui Tsai , Chuan-Po Wang , "Taiwan's Chinese Language Development and the Creation of Language Teaching Analysis," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 220 - 228, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2015.030308.

(b). APA Format:
Cheng-Hui Tsai , Chuan-Po Wang (2015). Taiwan's Chinese Language Development and the Creation of Language Teaching Analysis. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 3(3), 220 - 228. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2015.030308.