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Computer Science and Information Technology Vol. 2(8), pp. 331 - 338
DOI: 10.13189/csit.2014.020803
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Recursive Construction of n-gonal Codes on the Basis of Block Design
Tkachenco V.G. 1,*, Sinyavsky O.V. 2
1 Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications named after O.S.Popov, 65029, Odessa, str. Kovalska 1, Ukraine
2 Military Academy (Odessa), 65009, Odessa, str. Fontansky road, 10, Ukraine
In the article are defined nonlinear n-gonal block codes. The methods of constructing n-gonal codes are considered. Suggest efficient universal recursive methods of constructing codes great length on the basis of block design for error-correcting code. On the basis of these methods can be constructed error-correcting codes for any predetermined number of errors. Among the codes with a predetermined length codeword and a predetermined number of units in the word, these codes will have a maximum number of codewords. Dignity of these codes is speed of encoding and decoding. Also possibility of fast change of a code without change of tables of encoding and decoding. This makes it possible to use these in cryptosystems.
Error-correcting Code, Nonlinear N-gonal Codes, Steiner System, Affine Plane, Projective Plane, Projective-affine BIB Expansion
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[1] Tkachenco V.G. , Sinyavsky O.V. , "Recursive Construction of n-gonal Codes on the Basis of Block Design," Computer Science and Information Technology, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 331 - 338, 2014. DOI: 10.13189/csit.2014.020803.
(b). APA Format:
Tkachenco V.G. , Sinyavsky O.V. (2014). Recursive Construction of n-gonal Codes on the Basis of Block Design. Computer Science and Information Technology, 2(8), 331 - 338. DOI: 10.13189/csit.2014.020803.