Journals Information
Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 2(9), pp. 323 - 329
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2014.020903
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A Critical Appraisal of Off-land Structures: A Futuristic Perspective
Gaurav Sarswat , Mohammad Arif Kamal *
Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University, India
There will be crisis of land leading to the need of development of the infrastructure for residential, commercial, industrial & agricultural use due to exponential growth in population, current and projected. The metropolitan cities are developing at a very high rate and the expecting rise in population is putting pressure on these cities to grow further by expanding their boundaries continuously. But in the case of cities like Mumbai, Chennai and international coastal cities, the sea is behaves like a boundary for urban settlement, resisting its further expansion. This situation has produced challenges for urban planners to deal with lack of space and demand for basic amenities. In such condition coastal metropolitans, oceans can be used to develop the floating form of satellite towns, urban pockets & structures as a coastal expansion of city boundaries due to the enormous flexibility and limitless possibilities which water offers. The objective of this paper is to highlight the possibilities of off land development on water. It begins with the review of need of floating structures and their scope towards development & growth of cities. It includes a brief history and case studies related to evolution and development of floating structures from our past to present and finally the authors presents different types of design methodology with which these ideas can be implemented.
Population Explosion, Land Shortage, Off-land Structures, Coastal Metropolitan
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[1] Gaurav Sarswat , Mohammad Arif Kamal , "A Critical Appraisal of Off-land Structures: A Futuristic Perspective," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 2, No. 9, pp. 323 - 329, 2014. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2014.020903.
(b). APA Format:
Gaurav Sarswat , Mohammad Arif Kamal (2014). A Critical Appraisal of Off-land Structures: A Futuristic Perspective. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2(9), 323 - 329. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2014.020903.