Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 1(2), pp. 113 - 118
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2013.010211
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Overview of Assistive Technology Possibilities for Teachers to Enhance Academic Outcomes of All Students
Joseph P. Akpan Ph.D., Lawrence A. Beard Ed.D.*
Jacksonville State University
Despite enormous improvements in AT devices and services in American classrooms, the number of students with special needs, and the complexity of needs that they and their families experience continues to be sky rocketed nationwide. In response to these urgent needs, more advanced and specialized assistive technologies have been developed that educators can use to revamp and redefine education of individuals with special needs, multiple learning styles, and physical challenges. AT helps students with special needs develop independent thinking skills, maintain self-reliance, increase autonomy, develop problem-solving skills, facilitate a sense of continuity in living conditions as much as possible, and become more actively involved in their educational activities at home, schools and communities. It allows teachers to reach out to all children at home, in the classroom, workplace, and community through outreach programs. AT, both high and light provide enormous potential for students with special needs to capitalize on their strengths and by bypassing, or compensate for loss of function, making the most out of their educational experiences. This article investigates the potential of AT to revamp education of students with special needs. In addition, this paper will help make educators and the learning community aware of AT availability and the use of and benefits afforded by AT devices.
Computers, AT, Integration, Special Needs, Physical Challenges, Achievement, Strategies, Functional Capabilities, Learning Impaired, and Interventions
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Joseph P. Akpan Ph.D. , Lawrence A. Beard Ed.D. , "Overview of Assistive Technology Possibilities for Teachers to Enhance Academic Outcomes of All Students," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 113 - 118, 2013. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2013.010211.
(b). APA Format:
Joseph P. Akpan Ph.D. , Lawrence A. Beard Ed.D. (2013). Overview of Assistive Technology Possibilities for Teachers to Enhance Academic Outcomes of All Students. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 1(2), 113 - 118. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2013.010211.