Universal Journal of Chemistry(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 2(5), pp. 86 - 92
DOI: 10.13189/ujc.2014.020503
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Synthesis of C-glycosides from 1,6-Diamino-4-Phenylpyridine Derivatives

Atef M.Amer , Amira A. Ghoneim *, Mohamed H. Sherif , Wael Farouk
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt


Diamino 3a and 3b derivatives which obtained by Michael reaction were coupled with aldoses in the presence of acetic acid and I2 with stirring at room temperature gave 4, 5 and 6 respectively. Acetylation of compound 4 and 5 gave compound 7 and 8 respectively. Coupling of fructose with 3a and 3b in the presence or not of Con HCl gave compound 9 and 11 respectively. Acetylation of compound 9 with acetic anhydride and Pyridine gave compound 10. Some of the synthesized compounds have been screened as antibacterial and antifungal. The structures of the synthesized compounds have been deduced from their elemental analysis and spectral (IR, 1H-NMR) data.

C-glycosides, Cyanoacetohydrazide, Arylidinemalononitrile

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Atef M.Amer , Amira A. Ghoneim , Mohamed H. Sherif , Wael Farouk , "Synthesis of C-glycosides from 1,6-Diamino-4-Phenylpyridine Derivatives," Universal Journal of Chemistry(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 86 - 92, 2014. DOI: 10.13189/ujc.2014.020503.

(b). APA Format:
Atef M.Amer , Amira A. Ghoneim , Mohamed H. Sherif , Wael Farouk (2014). Synthesis of C-glycosides from 1,6-Diamino-4-Phenylpyridine Derivatives. Universal Journal of Chemistry(CEASE PUBLICATION), 2(5), 86 - 92. DOI: 10.13189/ujc.2014.020503.