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Linguistics and Literature Studies Vol. 2(5), pp. 146 - 149
DOI: 10.13189/lls.2014.020503
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The Renaissance of the Bantu Languages in Literature: A Comparative Path with the Italian Languages in Their Common Research of an Identity
Susanna Iacona Salafia *
Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey
Decolonizing the mind: the politics of language in African Literature,1986, Kenia (NgugiWa’ Thiong’O); De Vulgari Eloquentia(“About Eloquence in the Vulgar”), 1303-05, Tuscany-Italy (Dante Alighieri); Half of a yellow sun, 2007, Nigeria (Chimanda Ngozie Adichie); Canale Mussolini(“Mussolini Canal”), 2010, Italy (Antonio Pennacchi). As you can see from the rough scheme above, the following will be a “horizontal” presentation rather than a “vertical” one. I will not talk extensively of the life and activity of the four mentioned writers, so “distant” each other either in time or in space but I will make talk, for them, their own mentioned works (a collection of essays, a middle age treatise and two novels). I will try to assume, synthetize and summarize the political and artistic role these four authors played, only through their direct speech and words, extracted from some sample works of theirs. I will also try to understand the social and political context which they belonged to from what they have said or told in the analyzed works.
Bantu, African Literature, Italian Literature, Comparative literature, Ngugi Wa Thiong’O, Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie, Antonio Pennacchi, Dante Alighieri
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[1] Susanna Iacona Salafia , "The Renaissance of the Bantu Languages in Literature: A Comparative Path with the Italian Languages in Their Common Research of an Identity," Linguistics and Literature Studies, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 146 - 149, 2014. DOI: 10.13189/lls.2014.020503.
(b). APA Format:
Susanna Iacona Salafia (2014). The Renaissance of the Bantu Languages in Literature: A Comparative Path with the Italian Languages in Their Common Research of an Identity. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 2(5), 146 - 149. DOI: 10.13189/lls.2014.020503.