Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 2(7), pp. 269 - 279
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2014.020702
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Effectiveness Evaluation of Zali bet as Reinforcement in Concrete Beam

H.M.A.Mahzuz *, M. Ahmed , M. K. Uddin , M. M. Hossain , N. Saquib
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh


In this paper the yield strength, ultimate strength and modulus of elasticity of a rattan (Calamus guruba, local name in Bangladesh is “Zali bet”) were measured. After that the performance of some concrete beams was justified where this rattan was used both as flexural and shear reinforcements. Total eleven beams were tested in this study. Among them seven were singly reinforced beams and were used in flexure test. And the other four beams were prepared for shear test. Concrete properties were kept constant leaving reinforcement the only variable. The lengths were 500 mm for flexure test and 1025 mm for shear test having the same width and height. The test results were compared with non-reinforced concrete beams. The results were analyzed using the conventional moment equations and bond stress. Relations between the experimental and theoretical values were made. Finally design of rattan-reinforced beam was also made to understand its contribution physically.

Bond-stress, Deflection, Flexure, Moment Equation, Shear, Zali

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] H.M.A.Mahzuz , M. Ahmed , M. K. Uddin , M. M. Hossain , N. Saquib , "Effectiveness Evaluation of Zali bet as Reinforcement in Concrete Beam," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 2, No. 7, pp. 269 - 279, 2014. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2014.020702.

(b). APA Format:
H.M.A.Mahzuz , M. Ahmed , M. K. Uddin , M. M. Hossain , N. Saquib (2014). Effectiveness Evaluation of Zali bet as Reinforcement in Concrete Beam. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2(7), 269 - 279. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2014.020702.