Manufacturing Science and Technology(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 2(3), pp. 56 - 61
DOI: 10.13189/mst.2014.020302
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To Study the Effect of Process Parameters for Minimum Surface Roughness of Cylindrical Grinded AISI 1045 Steel

Taranveer Singh , Khushdeep Goyal *, Parlad Kumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002, India


In this present work, The effect of input parameters viz. work speed, wheel speed, abrasive material, depth of cut, concentration of cutting fluid and number of passes has been found on the surface roughness of cylindrical grinded AISI 1045 steel has been found. Three levels of each variable have been selected except wheel speed. Two levels of wheel speed have been taken. Heat treated AISI 1045 has been taken as work piece material. The result reveals that type of abrasive material is the most significant to influence surface roughness, followed by work speed. The optimum set of input parameters for minimizing the surface roughness has also been found.

Input Parameters, Grinding, Surface Roughness, Abrasive Material

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Taranveer Singh , Khushdeep Goyal , Parlad Kumar , "To Study the Effect of Process Parameters for Minimum Surface Roughness of Cylindrical Grinded AISI 1045 Steel," Manufacturing Science and Technology(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 56 - 61, 2014. DOI: 10.13189/mst.2014.020302.

(b). APA Format:
Taranveer Singh , Khushdeep Goyal , Parlad Kumar (2014). To Study the Effect of Process Parameters for Minimum Surface Roughness of Cylindrical Grinded AISI 1045 Steel. Manufacturing Science and Technology(CEASE PUBLICATION), 2(3), 56 - 61. DOI: 10.13189/mst.2014.020302.