Environment and Ecology Research Vol. 2(6), pp. 240 - 247
DOI: 10.13189/eer.2014.020603
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Methodological Limitations of Determining Global Pollution Index as a Tool for Environmental Impact Assessment and a Proposed Extension

Abu Shaid *
Department of Textile Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur; Bangladesh


In Global Estimation Methodology for the Ecosystem State, Rojanschi (1991) used the geometric correlation method to assess the impact of human activity on environment and derived an indicator termed as Global Pollution Index (Ipg). The index is capable of describing the real state of environment at a particular location in respect to the national or international standard. However the method is only applicable when at least three environmental components (such as water, air, soil) are considered. In 2005 Popa proposed Alternative geometric correlation method which is also applicable when minimum two environmental components are investigated. However Popa’s method suffers from the limitation of taking average of average values of investigated data and lack geometric figure which show the real status of all the corresponding environmental components. Hence in several cases (as shown in the current paper), the Popa’s pollution index gives misleading information. In this paper, limitations of both Rojanschi’s and Popa’s methods are discussed and to rectify their limitations, a new scheme termed as ‘Extended Rojanschi’s Method’ is proposed. The proposed method includes concentric/eccentric circle technique for one and two environmental components in addition to the basic Rojanschi’s method. Thus the new method is applicable to any number of environmental component from literally one to infinite. It also provides an option to calculate pollution index from actual investigated data instead of their average value (as in Rojanschi’s method) or average of average value (as in Popa’s method). In proposed method the geometric figures are also capable of representing real status of all the investigated environmental components in respect to their ideal state (which is impossible in Popa’s method) and pollution index can be calculated even from one or two environmental component (which is impossible in original Rojanschi’s method).

Global Pollution Index, Environmental Impact Assessment, Geometric Correlation

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Abu Shaid , "Methodological Limitations of Determining Global Pollution Index as a Tool for Environmental Impact Assessment and a Proposed Extension," Environment and Ecology Research, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 240 - 247, 2014. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2014.020603.

(b). APA Format:
Abu Shaid (2014). Methodological Limitations of Determining Global Pollution Index as a Tool for Environmental Impact Assessment and a Proposed Extension. Environment and Ecology Research, 2(6), 240 - 247. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2014.020603.