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Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy Vol. 13(2), pp. 214 - 229
DOI: 10.13189/app.2025.130206
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Vitamin E and Ginger Powder on Severity of Primary Dysmenorrhea among Students: A Non-Blinded Controlled Trial
Barkha Devi *, Sonam Zangmu Sherpa
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Introduction: Menstruation, frequently referred to as 'period', is a common phenomenon among women, in which the blood gets discharged from the uterus into cervix and then, passes via the vagina. Dysmenorrhea is one of the most common reasons for the occurrence of menstrual problems as well as pelvic discomfort while it causes painful uterine cramps during menstruation. It is also the most commonly found issue among women, particularly during their reproductive stage. Many research works have determined the effects of supplements containing vitamins E and ginger upon reducing the severity of primary dysmenorrhea. Aims & Objective: The current study is aimed at analyzing the impact of ginger and Vitamin E upon pain severity among adolescent girls enrolled in colleges with primary dysmenorrhea. Further, the study also aims at determining the association between pain scores among the students who consume additional pain relief medicine or therapy during the course of the study. Methods: This non-blinded randomized controlled experiment was carried out for four months in 2022 among the students aged between 18 and 25 years, residing in the hostels of Sikkim Manipal University, Sikkim and experienced moderate to severe dysmenorrhea during menstruation. For this study, a total of 102 students were selected and were randomly segregated into three groups such as control, Vitamin E and ginger power group. With the help of a background questionnaire as well as a pre-tested Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the author analyzed the impact of ginger power and vit-E upon reducing the severity of primary dysmenorrhea for three successive cycles. The data collected using the questionnaire were analyzed using SPSS version 21. Results: At the beginning, a total of 187 participants were covered for the investigation among which 85 study participants were excluded from the study citing not meeting the inclusion criteria or dropping out from the study. Prior to the intervention, the mean VAS scores of the overall study population for dysmenorrhea were 7.03 (Control group), 7.15 (Ginger group) and 7.00 (Vitamin E group) respectively while after the third month of the trial, the mean VAS scores were calculated as 6.62 (Control group), 4.74 (Ginger group) and 4.47 (Vitamin E group) respectively. Among the groups, vitamin E group respondents mentioned that their pain intensity got heavily reduced (F=32.573, P<0.001), followed by the ginger powder group (F=25.868, P<0.001). Conclusion: The current study findings confirmed that it is possible to significantly reduce the impact of dysmenorrhea by administering ginger powder and vitamin E while the latter shows the maximum impact. Since administering these supplements carries a lower risk in comparison with analgesics, in-depth research is required to validate the findings and determine their effects.
Ginger, Primary Dysmenorrhea, Menstrual Cycle, Vitamin E, Students, Adolescents
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[1] Barkha Devi , Sonam Zangmu Sherpa , "Vitamin E and Ginger Powder on Severity of Primary Dysmenorrhea among Students: A Non-Blinded Controlled Trial," Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 214 - 229, 2025. DOI: 10.13189/app.2025.130206.
(b). APA Format:
Barkha Devi , Sonam Zangmu Sherpa (2025). Vitamin E and Ginger Powder on Severity of Primary Dysmenorrhea among Students: A Non-Blinded Controlled Trial. Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy, 13(2), 214 - 229. DOI: 10.13189/app.2025.130206.