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International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences Vol. 12(4), pp. 699 - 708
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2024.120412
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Specific Game Abilities and their Significance for Determining the Prospects of Youth National Basketball Team Players
Mykola Bezmylov 1, Oksana Shynkaruk 1, Shao Zhigong 1, Liu Yang 1, Wang Hanpeng 2, Lian Xiao 2, Grygoriy Griban 3,*, Bogdan Semeniv 4, Olena Otravenko 5, Yevgenii Zhukovskyi 3, Anatolii Denysovets 6, Anastasiia Onufrak 3
1 Department of Esports and Information Technologies, National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Ukraine
2 Department of History and Theory of the Olympic Sport, National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Ukraine
3 Department of Physical Education and Sport Improvement, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Ukraine
4 Department of Physical Education, Sports and Health, Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv, Ukraine
5 Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine
6 Department of Physical Education, Polissia National University, Ukraine
The study aimed to identify the components of the manifestation of specific game abilities in basketball athletes and substantiate their significance in determining the prospects of junior national team players. The research was conducted based on the training of junior (U16) national basketball teams of Ukraine (n=68) during 2020-2022. Experts consider the most important game abilities for junior national basketball team players to include: 1) game intelligence (IQ) – 8.41±0.79 points; 2) game versatility – 7.25±1.65 points; 3) work ethic and the desire for constant improvement – 5.83±2.20 points; 4) speed of mastering new material – 5.66±1.61 points; 5) leadership qualities and influence on the team's play – 5.58±1.97 points. According to coaches, less significance during this stage of selection is given to: effectiveness of play under opponent pressure – 2.01±1.97 points and rebounding – 2.16±1.11 points. Statistically significant correlations were identified between the level of basketball players' leadership qualities and the number of minutes they played on the court in official games (r=0.517). The effectiveness of play under opponent pressure, in our studies, showed a statistically significant correlation with the manifestation of leadership qualities and influence on the team's play (r = 0.870, p<0.01). The final decision on determining the strategic prospects of junior national basketball team players should be made based on a comprehensive consideration of the manifestation of various components in the structure of each player's preparedness. During the selection of players at this stage of preparation, it is crucial to consider specific game abilities that do not have objective-metric units of measurement and characterize the athlete's inclination for further effective improvement in the specific conditions of polycomponent competitive activity.
Game Abilities, Sports Games, Basketball, Competitive Activity, Game Roles
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Mykola Bezmylov , Oksana Shynkaruk , Shao Zhigong , Liu Yang , Wang Hanpeng , Lian Xiao , Grygoriy Griban , Bogdan Semeniv , Olena Otravenko , Yevgenii Zhukovskyi , Anatolii Denysovets , Anastasiia Onufrak , "Specific Game Abilities and their Significance for Determining the Prospects of Youth National Basketball Team Players," International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 699 - 708, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2024.120412.
(b). APA Format:
Mykola Bezmylov , Oksana Shynkaruk , Shao Zhigong , Liu Yang , Wang Hanpeng , Lian Xiao , Grygoriy Griban , Bogdan Semeniv , Olena Otravenko , Yevgenii Zhukovskyi , Anatolii Denysovets , Anastasiia Onufrak (2024). Specific Game Abilities and their Significance for Determining the Prospects of Youth National Basketball Team Players. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 12(4), 699 - 708. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2024.120412.