Universal Journal of Public Health Vol. 12(4), pp. 705 - 716
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2024.120410
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Enhancing Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Health and Well-Being) through Timely HIV Case Presentation: A Study in Pulau Pinang, 2017–2021

Ahmad Syahid Ibrahim 1, Wan Mohd Zahiruddin Wan Mohammad 1,*, Janizah Abd Ghani 2
1 Department of Community Medicine, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
2 HIV/STI/Hep C Unit, Penang State Health Department, Malaysia


HIV remains a persistent public health challenge, with 81,000 cases in Malaysia in 2021. Late presentation (LP) of HIV cases is a significant barrier to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3 of ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. In 2021, 68% of new HIV cases in Malaysia presented late, emphasizing the urgency of addressing this issue. This study aimed to determine the trend and factors associated with LP of HIV cases in Pulau Pinang from 2017 to 2021, shedding light on the relationship between LP and the pursuit of SDG 3. A cross-sectional study was conducted utilizing secondary data from the National AIDS Registry and HIV/AIDS Registry Penang State Health Department. Data analysis was performed using descriptive analysis and logistic regression. Out of 1196 cases, 62.2% presented late. Late presenters included age above 50 years (80.4%), Chinese ethnicity (65.5%), unemployment (60.6%), intravenous drug users (68.2%), residing in the Timur Laut District (64.4%), and coinfected with Hepatitis C (72.5%) and Tuberculosis (81.4%). Over the study period, the late presentation rates increased from 57.6% to 64.4%. Factors associated with late presentation included age (30-49: AOR 1.91, 50 and above: AOR 4.0), ethnicity (Chinese: AOR 2.06; Malay: AOR 2.45), unemployment (AOR 1.40), and Tuberculosis coinfection (AOR 2.64). To advance SDG 3 and ensure inclusiveness in HIV care, addressing age, ethnicity, employment status, and Tuberculosis coinfection is essential. These findings call for targeted strategies to improve timely HIV case presentation and ultimately contribute to the ending of HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030.

HIV, AIDS, SDG 3, Late Presentation

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Ahmad Syahid Ibrahim , Wan Mohd Zahiruddin Wan Mohammad , Janizah Abd Ghani , "Enhancing Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Health and Well-Being) through Timely HIV Case Presentation: A Study in Pulau Pinang, 2017–2021," Universal Journal of Public Health, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 705 - 716, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2024.120410.

(b). APA Format:
Ahmad Syahid Ibrahim , Wan Mohd Zahiruddin Wan Mohammad , Janizah Abd Ghani (2024). Enhancing Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Health and Well-Being) through Timely HIV Case Presentation: A Study in Pulau Pinang, 2017–2021. Universal Journal of Public Health, 12(4), 705 - 716. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2024.120410.