Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 12(5), pp. 3391 - 3401
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120519
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Innovative Engineering Solutions in Modern Kazakh Architecture: Adapting to Seismic and Climatic Risks

Yuliya Onichshenko *, Gulnara Abdrassilova
Faculty of Architecture, International Educational Corporation, Republic of Kazakhstan


The incorporation of seismic and climatic considerations into the modern architecture of Kazakhstan is crucial and pertinent for achieving a harmonious and environmentally sustainable development of the region. The objective of this study is to validate the distinctive engineering strategies required for the construction of large-scale architectural structures while considering the natural and climatic hazards specific to Kazakhstan. During the scientific research, the following general scientific methods were used: system analysis and synthesis, historical method, and abstract-logical method. In particular, in the course of the conducted research, the history of the development of modern seismic technologies in Kazakhstan was analysed, which began in 1977, when the country's first high-rise building - the 26-story Kazakhstan hotel - was built in Almaty. The unique features of the structural and technical adjustments made to the architectural buildings in the major cities of Kazakhstan, namely Astana and Almaty, in response to the natural and climatic circumstances of the nation, were justified. The general concept of architectural solutions in the construction industry of Kazakhstan and the justification of individual changes in connection with the trends and possibilities of scientific and technical progress in the context of preservation of cultural heritage were characterized. The results of a survey of 300 respondents (mainly engineers and architects) were analysed in order to identify the role of engineering solutions in architecture, determined by the seismic and temperature conditions of Kazakhstan. The practical significance of this study is a detailed analysis of the innovativeness of engineering solutions, considering the example of the buildings of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hotel "Kazakhstan", shopping centre "Khan-Shatyr", "Palace of Peace and Harmony", multifunctional complex "Talan Towers"). These results can be used to substantiate decisions on overcoming complex climatic factors and forming unique images in terms of the new identity of the country's modern architecture.

Architecture Adaptability of Kazakhstan, Architectural Stability, Natural Risks, Multi-Year Weather Pattern, Balanced Construction, Cultural Innovations, Regional Features of Territorial Planning

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Yuliya Onichshenko , Gulnara Abdrassilova , "Innovative Engineering Solutions in Modern Kazakh Architecture: Adapting to Seismic and Climatic Risks," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 3391 - 3401, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120519.

(b). APA Format:
Yuliya Onichshenko , Gulnara Abdrassilova (2024). Innovative Engineering Solutions in Modern Kazakh Architecture: Adapting to Seismic and Climatic Risks. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 12(5), 3391 - 3401. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120519.