Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 12(3), pp. 1904 - 1914
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120346
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Flexural Behavior of Bamboo-Reinforced Concrete Beam under Variation Condition

Devi Nuralinah *, Alwafi Pujiraharjo , Roland Martin Simatupang , Maria Veronica
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, East Java, Indonesia


Current research aims to examine the flexural behavior of concrete beams reinforced with knitted bamboo. Bamboo can replace steel reinforcement because it has high tensile strength, as has already been examined by researchers. The behavior of bamboo-concrete composites has long been a major concern. Thus, surface treatments and mechanical interlocking can improve the interaction between bamboo and concrete. In this research, bamboo was treated with 1% NaOH and coated with a Structural epoxy bonding agent (Sikadur 32) and sand to increase the bonding slip with concrete. The bond strength between bamboo reinforcement and concrete has already been examined by a pull-out test to obtain the bamboo bar that had good bonding. Plain bamboo was used to control three patterns of knitted bamboo. The pull-out test result shows that the twisted bamboo bar-like hair (pattern 1) with outer skin had a maximum pull-out load and a tensile failure. Therefore, this type of reinforcement, with variations in bar ratio, end ties, and outer skin types, was used for testing the flexural beam. A concrete beam size of 180x250 with a length of 1600 mm was reinforced with knitted bamboo, subjected to a two-point load, and tested on the flexural testing frame. The flexural load capacity of a concrete beam reinforced by knitted bamboo-like hair (pattern 1) with outer skin increases significantly compared to bamboo without outer skin and does not change much concerning end tie variation. It has been noticed that great bonding between concrete and bamboo bars with the outer skin, a high reinforcement ratio, and surface treatment affect how much flexural load capacity and serviceability can increase. Based on research results, bamboo-reinforced concrete beams with a higher reinforcement ratio can replace steel-reinforced concrete beams with a slightly lower reinforcement ratio because they have advantages in terms of capacity and serviceability, including their ability to carry large bending loads, high ductility, high stiffness, low deflection, and worth depth cracking. This research contributes to the development of sustainable construction concerning the usage of bamboo bars as a local material in a structural concrete beam.

Bamboo, Bonding, Ductility, Load Capacity, Flexure, Serviceability, Stiffness

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Devi Nuralinah , Alwafi Pujiraharjo , Roland Martin Simatupang , Maria Veronica , "Flexural Behavior of Bamboo-Reinforced Concrete Beam under Variation Condition," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 1904 - 1914, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120346.

(b). APA Format:
Devi Nuralinah , Alwafi Pujiraharjo , Roland Martin Simatupang , Maria Veronica (2024). Flexural Behavior of Bamboo-Reinforced Concrete Beam under Variation Condition. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 12(3), 1904 - 1914. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120346.