Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 12(3), pp. 1773 - 1785
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120337
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The Influence of Augmented Reality Navigation on Human Perception: An In-depth Investigation

Mohab N. Moustafa 1,*, Shaimaa S. Ashour 2,3, Ramy A. Bakir 1
1 Department of Architectural Engineering & Environmental Design, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), Egypt
2 Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), Egypt
3 Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, KSA


Usually when we visit new unfamiliar spaces we employ our cognitive abilities to situate ourselves with the spatial surroundings. Our cognitive perception is the process in which we acquire knowledge about space forming mental images, and then we use this knowledge to orient and successfully navigate through space. However, our affective perception, the emotional responses towards space, also plays an important role in spatial memory. Previous literature has provided evidence that navigational aids developed over time have an impact on how we feel in urban space but have mostly caused degradation to our spatial memory. This study investigates how advanced navigational techniques would affect our cognitive and affective perceptions in urban space. In doing so, 42 participants were asked to walk along a chosen route in Maadi, Cairo. Half of these participants used PinnAR, which is an Augmented Reality Navigation (ARN) application, and the other half used 2D digital maps. The results indicated that ARN significantly affected our cognitive perception in terms of knowledge acquisition compared to digital map users, who did not recognize the landmarks in the walked route. In addition, the cognitive mapping for the ARN group showed less route knowledge, resulting in a higher error rate in drawing the taken route compared to the digital map group. The study also showed that the ARN group emotionally perceived the environment differently in terms of personal satisfaction and sense of security than the 2D digital map user. The ARN group showed less satisfaction with the friendliness of the streets to walk and a greater sense of insecurity with the traffic around compared to the digital map group.

Augmented Reality Navigation, Navigation, Cognitive Perception, Affective Perception, ARN, Urban Design

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Mohab N. Moustafa , Shaimaa S. Ashour , Ramy A. Bakir , "The Influence of Augmented Reality Navigation on Human Perception: An In-depth Investigation," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 1773 - 1785, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120337.

(b). APA Format:
Mohab N. Moustafa , Shaimaa S. Ashour , Ramy A. Bakir (2024). The Influence of Augmented Reality Navigation on Human Perception: An In-depth Investigation. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 12(3), 1773 - 1785. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120337.