Journals Information
Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 12(3), pp. 1593 - 1610
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120325
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Influence of Structural Properties Modeling in Building Analysis: Diaphragms, Rigid-Zone Factor and Wall Meshing
Deyvid Froilán Matamoros Paitán *, Efraín Junior Dolorier Flores , Faifer Alanya Almonacid , Manuel Ismael Laurencio Luna
Faculty of Engineering, Academic School of Civil Engineering, Universidad Continental, Perú
Nowadays, several computer programs are used for the design of buildings and other structures, each of them with its sequence of design algorithms. However, the competent professional uses conventional design criteria without analyzing the demanding considerations in the modeling of a structure. That is why in this research the objective was to determine the influence of the variation of the structural properties in the analysis of buildings. To this purpose, a 10-story building was used with a mezzanine height of 3.25m and a total height of 33.7m composed of a structural system of walls with different area elements, rigid arms, discretization of walls and diaphragms, which were modeled in the ETABS V19 software. The M0.5MF-M3 model was the one that showed average values for displacement, stiffness of the structure, shear force, bending moment and interstory drifts. Finally, the membrane type elements performed better in the modeling of the structure compared to the shell type elements. The flexible and rigid diaphragms should be considered according to their in-plane deflection, as well as the assignment of the rigid arm with a factor of 0.5 and a controlled meshing in the walls helps to represent the structure in its more adequate modeling.
Membrane, Shell, Seismic Behavior, Self-Construction, Horizontal Loads, Dome Structure
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Deyvid Froilán Matamoros Paitán , Efraín Junior Dolorier Flores , Faifer Alanya Almonacid , Manuel Ismael Laurencio Luna , "Influence of Structural Properties Modeling in Building Analysis: Diaphragms, Rigid-Zone Factor and Wall Meshing," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 1593 - 1610, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120325.
(b). APA Format:
Deyvid Froilán Matamoros Paitán , Efraín Junior Dolorier Flores , Faifer Alanya Almonacid , Manuel Ismael Laurencio Luna (2024). Influence of Structural Properties Modeling in Building Analysis: Diaphragms, Rigid-Zone Factor and Wall Meshing. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 12(3), 1593 - 1610. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120325.