Journals Information
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences Vol. 12(2), pp. 356 - 362
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2024.120210
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The Influence of Agility Training on the Badminton Athletes' Ability
Muhammad Arnando 1,*, Syafruddin 1, Ardo Okilanda 1, Weny Sasmitha 1, Mardepi Saputra 1, Sepriadi 1, Zulbahri 1, Frizki Amra 1, Indri Wulandari 1, Mottakin Ahmed 2
1 Department of Sport Education, Faculty Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
2 Department of Physical Education, Faculty Sport Science, Government College Silwani, India
Badminton is a high-intensity game that requires agility and good footwork for an athlete. The agility training pattern that was compiled had a good impact on progress of research findings. The exercises used to help increase the agility of badminton footwork are shuttle runs, skipping, sprints, ladder drills and shadows using shuttles and cones. This study aims to determine the effect of agility training on the footwork ability of badminton athletes. This research method is a one group experiment. The research compares one independent variable with one dependent variable. The research was conducted at the Badminton Hall of State University of Padang. Participants in this study were badminton athletes from the student's Sports Activity Unit of State University of Padang, totaling 20 people aged 18 years with the same length of training. A 6-way footwork test using a Shuttle cock was conducted to measure the athlete's footwork ability. Inferential statistics with the dependent sample comparative formula (t test) were used to test the hypothesis in this study. The analysis requirements test resulted in normal and homogeneous data. The results of the research on the data analyzed using statistics, it can be concluded that the results of the analysis of agility exercises have an influence on the ability of badminton footwork by obtaining tcount = 16.81 with a degree of confidence (α) = 0.05 so that ttable = 2.09 and the average difference -average count 0.97. From the results of this analysis, it can be concluded that there is an effect of agility training on the footwork ability of State University of Padang badminton athletes. Based on these results, the exercise intensity of moderate to submaximal intensity given to athletes and the variety of training variations of the type of agility training given are effective in increasing the footwork ability of badminton athletes. Subsequent studies show that footwork is also supported by the coordination of upper body movements, so it is necessary to carry out research on the carrying capacity of footwork movements.
Agility Training, Badminton, Footwork, Student Athlete, Coordination
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Muhammad Arnando , Syafruddin , Ardo Okilanda , Weny Sasmitha , Mardepi Saputra , Sepriadi , Zulbahri , Frizki Amra , Indri Wulandari , Mottakin Ahmed , "The Influence of Agility Training on the Badminton Athletes' Ability," International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 356 - 362, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2024.120210.
(b). APA Format:
Muhammad Arnando , Syafruddin , Ardo Okilanda , Weny Sasmitha , Mardepi Saputra , Sepriadi , Zulbahri , Frizki Amra , Indri Wulandari , Mottakin Ahmed (2024). The Influence of Agility Training on the Badminton Athletes' Ability. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 12(2), 356 - 362. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2024.120210.