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Universal Journal of Public Health Vol. 12(1), pp. 51 - 60
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2024.120105
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The Effect of Physical Environment (Gamma Radiation) on Changes in Enamel Structure in Teeth
Elanda Fikri 1,2, Tantin Retno Dwijartini 3, Evan Puspitasari 3, Enny Chalimah 4, Siti Amaliyah 3, Yura Witsqa Firmansyah 5,6,*
1 Department of Environmental Sanitation, Bandung Health Polytechnic, Indonesia
2 Center of Excellence on Utilization of Local Material for Health Improvement, Bandung Health Polytechnic, Indonesia
3 Directorate of Research and Innovation Infrastructure Partnership Strengthening, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
4 Deputy for Research Facilitation and Innovation, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
5 Department of Health Information and Medical Record, Vocational Faculty of Universitas Santo Borromeus, Indonesia
6 Environmental Science Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
This research is needed to know and get clear information about the effects of radiation on enamel, in the form of density, microstructure, morphology, and element content in the tooth enamel layer. This type of research is correlated with a before-and-after with control group experimental design that is in vitro the effect of ionizing radiation on tooth enamel samples (n = 18). The samples were irradiated with doses of 20Gy, 30Gy, 40Gy, 50Gy, and 70Gy. Then the density of tooth samples, the content of calcium and phosphorus constituents, as well as surface morphological analysis and pores on the teeth were observed. The results density in enamel samples has a significant average difference with the t-paired test in the pre-irradiated and post-irradiated groups of 30 Gy radiation dose (P = 0.035), and 40 Gy (P = 0.001). The content of calcium and phosphorus constituents in molar tooth enamel samples has a significant average difference with the One-way Anova test in the control and treatment groups (P = 0.001) and (P = 0.006). Reactions that occur in water molecules and organic substances produce more significant morphological changes in the interprismatic region. These microstructural changes result in a decrease in microhardness, and teeth become more brittle and cracks develop. Patients exposed to ionizing radiation must get specialized oral care to improve oral health.
Irradiation, Enamel, Density, Oral Care
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Elanda Fikri , Tantin Retno Dwijartini , Evan Puspitasari , Enny Chalimah , Siti Amaliyah , Yura Witsqa Firmansyah , "The Effect of Physical Environment (Gamma Radiation) on Changes in Enamel Structure in Teeth," Universal Journal of Public Health, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 51 - 60, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2024.120105.
(b). APA Format:
Elanda Fikri , Tantin Retno Dwijartini , Evan Puspitasari , Enny Chalimah , Siti Amaliyah , Yura Witsqa Firmansyah (2024). The Effect of Physical Environment (Gamma Radiation) on Changes in Enamel Structure in Teeth. Universal Journal of Public Health, 12(1), 51 - 60. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2024.120105.