Journals Information
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 12(1), pp. 41 - 50
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2024.120105
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Effect of LED Wavelength and Power on the Hydroponic Indoor Vegetable Farming
Eugene Phum Teo , Kah-Yoong Chan , Salina Mohammad Mokhtar , Chu-Liang Lee *
Centre for Advanced Devices and Systems, Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University, Malaysia
In this study, the effect of different light emitting diode (LED) grow light wavelength and power of the LED lights on plant growth were investigated by adopting nutrient film technique of hydroponic indoor vegetable farming. Commercial LEDs are deployed in this work, and the findings benefited the farmers who rely on commercial LEDs. Two phases of plant development were affected differently with different LED wavelength. Color spectrum in this study involves three colors that are red, blue and white in different ratios, providing different wavelength. Budding phase as well as stem and leaf development of the plant shows a great reaction with the highest average width and length of the leaf from 1 red 7 white LED wavelength. Meanwhile, 2 red 3 white LED gives the early starts on the budding phase due to its red light, but the leaf development was the slowest due to the absence of blue lights. The light spectrum from 1 red 7 white has included a strong blue spectrum which helps in the stem and leaf development process. Different LED power with a full spectrum of LED wavelengths has shown an exceptional growth for the plants with highest power of 40 Watts. With full inclusions of red, blue and white spectrum, higher power of the LED helps exponentially especially in the budding phase of the plant.
LED Grow Light, Wavelength, Power, Hydroponic, Indoor Farming
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Eugene Phum Teo , Kah-Yoong Chan , Salina Mohammad Mokhtar , Chu-Liang Lee , "Effect of LED Wavelength and Power on the Hydroponic Indoor Vegetable Farming," Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 41 - 50, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2024.120105.
(b). APA Format:
Eugene Phum Teo , Kah-Yoong Chan , Salina Mohammad Mokhtar , Chu-Liang Lee (2024). Effect of LED Wavelength and Power on the Hydroponic Indoor Vegetable Farming. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 12(1), 41 - 50. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2024.120105.