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Food Science and Technology Vol. 12(1), pp. 71 - 80
DOI: 10.13189/fst.2024.120106
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Effect of Microwave-Assisted Extract (MAE) on Functional Properties, Digestibility, and Glycemic Index of Arrowroot Starch (Maranta arundinacea)
Mimi Harni 1,2,*, Tuty Anggraini 3, Rini 3, Irfan Suliansyah 4
1 Doctoral Program in Agriculture Sciences, Andalas University, Indonesia
2 The Food Technology Study Program, Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh, Indonesia
3 Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University, Indonesia
4 Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University, Indonesia
Arrowroot tubers are a type of tuber that is expected to reduce dependence on imported products because apart from having a high starch content, these tubers also contain antioxidants. The process of extracting starch is carried out using the extraction method. The choice of MAE extraction method is expected to maintain the functional compounds in arrowroot tuber starch. This research aims to reduce the glycemic index and digestibility without damaging the functional properties of the starch produced. The research method began by extracting arrowroot tuber starch by heating MAE for 1 – 4 minutes. The resulting observations were then compared with treatment without MAE. The data from the analysis were analyzed based on the average value, and then the standard deviation from each treatment was looked for. Observations were made on functional properties in syneresis and analysis using infrared light on starch, in vitro digestibility, and in vivo glycemic index on extracted starch. The research showed a decrease in syneresis at the end of storage, so the starch was stable at low temperatures. Infrared absorption observations can confirm the carbohydrate properties of arrowroot tuber starch, which consists of hydroxyl groups. Digestibility and glycemic index also decreased using the MAE method.
Arrowroot, Microwave-Assisted Extract, Syneresis, Fourier Transform Infrared, Digestibility, Glycemic Index
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Mimi Harni , Tuty Anggraini , Rini , Irfan Suliansyah , "Effect of Microwave-Assisted Extract (MAE) on Functional Properties, Digestibility, and Glycemic Index of Arrowroot Starch (Maranta arundinacea)," Food Science and Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 71 - 80, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/fst.2024.120106.
(b). APA Format:
Mimi Harni , Tuty Anggraini , Rini , Irfan Suliansyah (2024). Effect of Microwave-Assisted Extract (MAE) on Functional Properties, Digestibility, and Glycemic Index of Arrowroot Starch (Maranta arundinacea). Food Science and Technology, 12(1), 71 - 80. DOI: 10.13189/fst.2024.120106.