Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 11(12), pp. 207 - 212
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2023.111201
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The Distance Teaching Method of the British and American Literature
Zhong Ying *, Li Jing
School of Foreign Languages, Changzhou Institute of Technology (CIT), China
The aim of this study was to explore the distance teaching method of the British and American Literature. The study is carried out from five aspects: the narrative, the time, the aesthetic, the value, and the moral distance. Literature teachers should keep the narrative distance to balance the complex and ever-changing relationship between the author and the readers. While confronted with the time distance, students’ time gap should be filled with the recognition of the structure and the authenticity of the story. The aesthetic distance could be obtained through comprehending the rhetorical techniques applied in the text. The value distance means students’ mastery of the way to hold a neutral attitude towards all values in reading. Both the teacher and the students participate in the active moral construction in terms of the code of ethics to maintain a reasonable moral distance. In this paper, the flipped class model is used to apply the distance teaching method into the pedagogy of the British and American Literature. The online materials easily provide the necessary components to allow an instructor to use a flipped-class approach to teach a hybrid class. The model must be customized and contextualized by each educator. The principles of flipped learning should be taken in contexts to meet the needs of the students. The study indicated that the elucidated relationship among the authors, narrators, characters, and readers, could contribute to grasping the organic relationship between the curriculum and the existence through the application of the distance theory. Thus, it can be concluded that the comprehension of the texts from various distances would help to establish connections between the self and others, the history and literature. It is recommended that the distance teaching method of the British and American literature would provide paradigm reference for the similar and contemporary Literature teaching.
Distance, Teaching Method, the British and American Literature
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[1] Zhong Ying , Li Jing , "The Distance Teaching Method of the British and American Literature," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 11, No. 12, pp. 207 - 212, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2023.111201.
(b). APA Format:
Zhong Ying , Li Jing (2023). The Distance Teaching Method of the British and American Literature. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 11(12), 207 - 212. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2023.111201.