Universal Journal of Public Health Vol. 11(6), pp. 930 - 935
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2023.110617
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Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Awareness Program on Knowledge of Sarcopenia and Its Prevention among the Senior Age Group of Pashan Zone of Pune City

Prachi Jadhav , Jasneet Kaur *, Sonopant G. Joshi
Symbiosis College of Nursing, Symbiosis International (Deemed) University, India


Sarcopenia is widespread, progressive condition of the skeletal muscles known as sarcopenia which increases the likelihood of adverse events like falls, functional decline, frailty, and death while also causing an accelerated loss of muscle mass and function. It is a typical ageing process that affects older adults and is influenced by both present risk factors and long-term hereditary and lifestyle factors. As the population ages, sarcopenia, which is common and has serious negative health implications, will become more prevalent. The approach of research study was quantitative research design. Pre-intervention and Post-intervention method is used in this study. The data were collected by using a Non-probability Convenience sampling technique and the sample size taken for this study was 100 and reviewed for the period of seven days after the intervention of Awareness program was given. The target population was geriatric group (65 years and above). This study was conducted in the Urban area of Pune City that is at Pashan. The knowledge and preventive questionnaire were discussed with the demographic variable. According to the intervention, the group's pre-intervention knowledge consisted as follows: 24% had outstanding knowledge, 44% had weak knowledge, and 30% had average knowledge. The group's knowledge is revealed by the research result. 67% population were having good knowledge where as 19% were having average knowledge and only 12% people were having poor knowledge after giving intervention. The current study concludes that the effectiveness of Awareness program on knowledge of Sarcopenia and its prevention has a positive impact on the urban community of selected area of Pune City (Pashan). This conclusion was drawn as a result of the findings of the study.

Assess, Frailty, Knowledge, Sarcopenia, Geriatric Age Group, Muscle Weakness

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[1] Prachi Jadhav , Jasneet Kaur , Sonopant G. Joshi , "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Awareness Program on Knowledge of Sarcopenia and Its Prevention among the Senior Age Group of Pashan Zone of Pune City," Universal Journal of Public Health, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 930 - 935, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2023.110617.

(b). APA Format:
Prachi Jadhav , Jasneet Kaur , Sonopant G. Joshi (2023). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Awareness Program on Knowledge of Sarcopenia and Its Prevention among the Senior Age Group of Pashan Zone of Pune City. Universal Journal of Public Health, 11(6), 930 - 935. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2023.110617.