Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance Vol. 11(4), pp. 75 - 87
DOI: 10.13189/ujaf.2023.110401
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Banks Strategic Performance Measurement: A Case Study from Jordan

Hani Na'el Al-Abdallat *
Business Management Research Institute, University of Bedfordshire, UK


In order to better understand strategic performance assessment within Jordan's banking sector, this study aims to identify its crucial components. We examine the complex nuances of measuring and improving strategic performance using a balanced scorecard (BSC) framework and key performance indicators (KPIs). According to our research, it is crucial to use a qualitative research methodology to evaluate banks' strategic performance in the Jordanian setting. This study is notable for moving beyond established paradigms of research, which have mainly focused on financial performance measurements. By introducing an extensive set of integrated Strategic Performance measurements under the auspices of the Balanced Scorecard, it makes history. They cover areas like finances, customer satisfaction, internal operations, and learning and growth. We carried out a multiple-embedded case study, methodically transcribing extensive, in-depth, and contextually complicated material to clarify and validate these measurements. We concentrated on two Jordanian commercial banks that were founded in 1956 and 1977 and both of which have grown their business operations outside of Jordan. We were able to identify distinct patterns and trends in their strategic performance measures thanks to our comparative study. A variety of intriguing findings and conclusions are presented as the climax of our empirical inquiry. These conclusions, which were supported by a careful investigation, provide insight into the many facets of these banks' overall performance. Notably, our research highlights the growing importance of information capital from the perspective of learning and growth, calling for quick attention from Jordanian banks. This tactical choice is in line with how quickly technology is advancing and how that is causing change in the banking sector.

Strategic Performance Management, Bank Performance, Balance Scorecard, Jordan Banking Industry, Key Performance Indicator

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Hani Na'el Al-Abdallat , "Banks Strategic Performance Measurement: A Case Study from Jordan," Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 75 - 87, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/ujaf.2023.110401.

(b). APA Format:
Hani Na'el Al-Abdallat (2023). Banks Strategic Performance Measurement: A Case Study from Jordan. Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 11(4), 75 - 87. DOI: 10.13189/ujaf.2023.110401.