Journals Information
Environment and Ecology Research Vol. 11(6), pp. 904 - 921
DOI: 10.13189/eer.2023.110602
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Environmental Responsibility through the Effectiveness of Community Activities in Supporting Sustainable Development Goal Programs
Rita Retnowati *, Indarti Komala Dewi , Rita Istiana , Eka Puspita
Environmental Management Study Program, Post Graduate Program, Pakuan University, Indonesia
The issue of environmental pollution has a direct impact on the depletion of natural resources. Companies, as key players in development, exert influence on activities related to the exploration of natural resources. This study seeks to assess the efficacy of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in enhancing community empowerment within the realm of environmental management. This research employs a mixed-method sequential explanatory approach, incorporating qualitative data analysis using the techniques proposed by Miles and Huberman. Additionally, quantitative data analysis involves the application of single and multiple correlation tests. The findings indicate a significant correlation between the effectiveness of the Community Development (CD) program and Environmental Responsibility (ER), with a correlation coefficient of ry1=0.755 and an explained variance of 56.9%. The observed ER behaviors within the community include environmental protection efforts and active participation in environmental community initiatives. The quality of assistance provided by Community Development Officers (CDOs) serves as compelling evidence of the CD program's effectiveness, particularly in the context of the Green Think Ship Education Forest program. Furthermore, there is a noteworthy relationship between self-efficacy and ER, with a correlation coefficient of ry2=0.646 and an explained variance of r2=0.417. This perceived self-efficacy is influenced by several factors: (1) active community involvement as members of the Green Think Ship Education Forest program group; (2) training received; and (3) assistance received through the CD program. The effectiveness of the CD program and the level of self-efficacy among community members are interconnected and significantly impact ER behavior, with a correlation coefficient of ry1.2=0.804 and an explained variance of r2=0.646. These findings are consistent with previous research, highlighting the influence of both internal and external factors on human behavior. In summary, when the CD program is more effective and is supported by a high level of community self-efficacy, it contributes positively to the promotion of responsible environmental behavior.
Responsibility Environmental Behavior, Sustainable Development Goals /Sdgs, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Self-Efficacy
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[1] Rita Retnowati , Indarti Komala Dewi , Rita Istiana , Eka Puspita , "Environmental Responsibility through the Effectiveness of Community Activities in Supporting Sustainable Development Goal Programs," Environment and Ecology Research, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 904 - 921, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2023.110602.
(b). APA Format:
Rita Retnowati , Indarti Komala Dewi , Rita Istiana , Eka Puspita (2023). Environmental Responsibility through the Effectiveness of Community Activities in Supporting Sustainable Development Goal Programs. Environment and Ecology Research, 11(6), 904 - 921. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2023.110602.