Journals Information
Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 12(1), pp. 577 - 585
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120141
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Sustainable and Resilient Architecture: Prioritizing Climate Change Adaptation
Kulsum Fatima 1,2,*
1 School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL), University of Calgary, Canada
2 Department of Architecture, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), India
The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the need for architects to prioritize sustainability and resilience in building design, especially in the face of an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters caused by climate change. Sustainable, climate-adapted, and resilient architecture can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote resource efficiency, and improve people's quality of life. This paper explores the design aspects of the top ten COTE projects for 2023 recognized by the American Institute of Architects. These projects emphasize sustainable performance, stormwater and energy reduction strategies, and design-for-change principles. The main objective is to identify how sustainable project design adapts to climate change and supports resilient recovery from disasters. The methodology involves identifying and reviewing design criteria for sustainable performance. It also involves analysing stormwater runoff and energy reduction strategies. It investigates the futuristic vision for design for change, and highlights design innovations accomplished through the selected projects. This paper provides valuable insights into how projects approach adaptive and resilient design through sustainability. Architects can benefit from this holistic approach to designing spaces that adapt to the ever-changing climate and promote sustainable design innovation.
Design Innovation, Sustainable Performance, Carbon Neutral, Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Resilience, Survivability Timeline, Critical Infrastructure, Collaborative Design
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Kulsum Fatima , "Sustainable and Resilient Architecture: Prioritizing Climate Change Adaptation," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 577 - 585, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120141.
(b). APA Format:
Kulsum Fatima (2024). Sustainable and Resilient Architecture: Prioritizing Climate Change Adaptation. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 12(1), 577 - 585. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120141.