Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 12(1), pp. 478 - 498
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120135
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Improve Lighting Balance Performance and Energy Consumption by Using Kinetic Adaptive Skin for Office Space in Cairo, Egypt

Ahmed Ahmed Fikery 1, Reham El-dessuky Hamed 2,*, Nourhan Ahmed Ali 3
1 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
2 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Bany Swef University, Egypt
3 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Modern Academy for Engineering and Technology, El-Hadaba El-Wosta-Elmokatam, Egypt


Nowadays, daylighting plays an important role in improving visual comfort in office spaces and could decrease energy consumption. Using a window wall ratio of 90% in Egypt may cause excessive heat gains and thereby increase cooling loads. This paper investigates using different types of kinetic shade and integrating a single light shelf inside an office room for the east and west façades. This system will be evaluated on special daylight autonomy (Sda 300/50%), annual sunlight exposure (Ase 250/1000 of space area), daylight availability, and total energy consumption. This study uses parametric analysis Diva for Rhino as a simulation tool in a hypothetical office room in Cairo. The result shows that the performance after using different kinds of reflective materials for each shade and light shelf daylight has improved much more in different kinds of shade than sheet metal materials for each east and west façade. The study outcome proved that kinetic shade can be an effective daylighting system to improve lighting environments without any negative effect on energy consumption, especially when using that kind of combined kinetic shade and internal light shelf. The results show that the performance of daylighting, increasing daylight availability, Sda and Ase using suitable materials, and room height have a remarkable effect on both east and west façade daylighting. Therefore, on this basis, this search recommends developing a parametric design for kinetic shade and light shelf and suggesting criteria for optimum visual comfort.

Kinetic Shade, Daylighting, Light Shelf, Energy Saving

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Ahmed Ahmed Fikery , Reham El-dessuky Hamed , Nourhan Ahmed Ali , "Improve Lighting Balance Performance and Energy Consumption by Using Kinetic Adaptive Skin for Office Space in Cairo, Egypt," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 478 - 498, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120135.

(b). APA Format:
Ahmed Ahmed Fikery , Reham El-dessuky Hamed , Nourhan Ahmed Ali (2024). Improve Lighting Balance Performance and Energy Consumption by Using Kinetic Adaptive Skin for Office Space in Cairo, Egypt. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 12(1), 478 - 498. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120135.