Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 12(1), pp. 178 - 184
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120115
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Analyzing Self-healing Concrete as a Remedial Measure for Repair and Maintenance of Buildings

Shubham Singh 1, Tejwant Singh Brar 2, Ritu Agrawal 3, Rajeev Garg 4, Mohammad Arif Kamal 5,*
1 College of Architecture, Art and Planning, Cornell University, USA
2 School of Art and Architecture, Sushant University, India
3 Department of Architecture and Planning, Birla Institute of Technology, India
4 School of Architecture, Planning and Design, DIT University, India
5 Architecture Section, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), India


Crack formation in concrete is a problem that can hardly be totally prevented because of shrinkage responses of setting concrete and tensile stresses that arise in built-up structures. The integrity of a building may be compromised by larger cracks, necessitating repair work, while tiny cracks, frequently with a crack diameter of less than 0.2 mm, are typically seen as unproblematic. Even tiny, sub-millimeter-sized cracks may cause durability issues because connected cracks specifically increase matrix permeability, which erodes structural integrity similarly to bigger fissures. This is due to the fact that routine manual maintenance and repair of concrete structures are costly and occasionally even impracticable, making an autonomous self-healing repair mechanism particularly beneficial. This may result in less maintenance and longer material lifespan. The paper presents a comprehensive examination of the natural, chemical, and biological processes involved in self-healing concrete technology. The literature review has been explored through internet and secondary data from relevant published academic literature from journals articles and research papers. This paper enables an understanding of the fundamental mechanism and operation of self-healing concrete in repairing the cracks in the buildings. The paper also examines the advantages and disadvantages of self-healing concrete, which formulates the comparison criteria using this concrete technology in the building industry. Finally, a comparative cost analysis of conventional concrete and self healing concrete has been done.

Self-healing Concrete, Chemical Self-Healing, Biological Self-healing, Remedial Measure, Repair, Maintenance, Buildings

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Shubham Singh , Tejwant Singh Brar , Ritu Agrawal , Rajeev Garg , Mohammad Arif Kamal , "Analyzing Self-healing Concrete as a Remedial Measure for Repair and Maintenance of Buildings," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 178 - 184, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120115.

(b). APA Format:
Shubham Singh , Tejwant Singh Brar , Ritu Agrawal , Rajeev Garg , Mohammad Arif Kamal (2024). Analyzing Self-healing Concrete as a Remedial Measure for Repair and Maintenance of Buildings. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 12(1), 178 - 184. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120115.