Environment and Ecology Research Vol. 11(5), pp. 873 - 880
DOI: 10.13189/eer.2023.110515
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A Literature Study: Evaluation of Environmental Management System 14001:2015 in Indonesian Companies

Elanda Fikri 1,2, Oryza Filial Zulkarnain 3, Anshah Silmi Afifah 4, Yura Witsqa Firmansyah 5,6,*
1 Department of Environmental Sanitation, Bandung Health Polytechnic, Bandung, Indonesia
2 Center of Excellence on Utilization of Local Material for Health Improvement, Bandung Health Polytechnic, Bandung, Indonesia
3 Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
4 Department of Furniture Production Engineering, Polytechnic of Furniture and Wood Processing Industry, Kendal Regency, Indonesia
5 Department of Health Information and Recording, Vocational Faculty of Santo Borromeus University, West Bandung Regency, Indonesia
6 Program in Environmental Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta City, Indonesia


To develop into an environmentally friendly company, technological advancements must always accompany the company's growth. Consequently, sustainable environmental management becomes essential, including the implementation of an environmental management system (EMS) in accordance with international organization for standardization (ISO) 14001:2015 standards. The objective of this study is to evaluate EMS compliance with ISO 14001:2015. This article employs a literature review methodology with case study approach, involving the collection, examination, and conclusion drawing from up to nine articles published from 2017 to 2022, focusing on the application of the ISO 14001 environmental management system in different industrial sectors. The research measures seven assessments: organizational context, planning, support, leadership, operations, performance evaluation, and improvement. The study's findings demonstrate that the dimensions of the environmental management system's sustainability have been implemented in accordance with the Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI-2017) ISO 14001:2015 method, and the implementation of the self-assessment checklist falls under the satisfactory sustainable category. Some studies have included assessment results based on the ISO 14001:2015 checklist for the organizational context field. Companies like PT Janata Marina Indonesia and PT Citra Abadi Sejati need improvement as they are still in the process of fulfilling the requirements for ISO certification. On the other hand, companies such as PT. Indonesia Power Up, PT. X waste processor, PT. X detergent manufacturer, PT. SAS International, PT. Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring Tbk (NKE), PT. Adhi Karya, the Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Industry, and PT X Laboratory in Indonesia, which already hold ISO 14001 certificates, have shown good organizational context values. However, there are two companies that have not yet met the ISO 14001:2015 criteria.

Environmental Management System, ISO 14001:2015, Sustainability Analysis

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Elanda Fikri , Oryza Filial Zulkarnain , Anshah Silmi Afifah , Yura Witsqa Firmansyah , "A Literature Study: Evaluation of Environmental Management System 14001:2015 in Indonesian Companies," Environment and Ecology Research, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 873 - 880, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2023.110515.

(b). APA Format:
Elanda Fikri , Oryza Filial Zulkarnain , Anshah Silmi Afifah , Yura Witsqa Firmansyah (2023). A Literature Study: Evaluation of Environmental Management System 14001:2015 in Indonesian Companies. Environment and Ecology Research, 11(5), 873 - 880. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2023.110515.