Environment and Ecology Research Vol. 11(5), pp. 768 - 778
DOI: 10.13189/eer.2023.110507
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Institutionalizing Cooperation and Sustaining Collective Action: The Case of the Binulasan Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management Association

Mark Joseph J. Buncag 1,2,*, Julienne Bariuan-Elca 3, Ma. Angelica R. Canizares 4, Mary Joy D. Capunitan-Abasolo 5, Jhuliet Arianne G. Lantican 6, Samantha Lian D. M. Magsanoc 7
1 Department of Environmental Science, College of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Mindanao State University, Philippines
2 Social Sciences Division, National Research Council of the Philippines, Philippines
3 College of Development Communication, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), Philippines
4 Postharvest Horticulture Training and Research Center, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), Philippines
5 Community Environment and Natural Resources Office, Pagbilao, Quezon, Philippines
6 School of Environmental Science and Management, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), Philippines
7 College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), Philippines


Our study describes the process by which mangrove rehabilitation and sustainable management was and continues to be institutionalized in Binulasan through the development and continued operation of the people's organization BFARMA. We co-constructed a highly contextualized narrative of this institutionalization process, highlighting participant views, which we elicited through unstructured, informal interview-conversations. We found that in order to sustain collective action in mangrove sustainable management and ensure BFARMA's effectiveness and resilience as a grassroots NRM institution, it should: (a) improve its ability to adapt to future shocks and innovate by promoting the values emphasized and elevated during the initial stages of community mobilization and developing the capacities of its members; (b) contribute towards rural poverty alleviation objectives by facilitating local livelihood development so that the undertaking remains attractive to locals; and (c) continue to strengthen its capacity to influence as an NRM agent by working in close partnership with the LGU and by encouraging the participation of the larger community. Our study contributes to existing work that aims to better understand the issues that surround and affect the effectiveness and resilience of NRM institutions at the grassroots level.

Collective Action, CBFMA, NRM Institutions, Mangrove Rehabilitation and Sustainable Management

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Mark Joseph J. Buncag , Julienne Bariuan-Elca , Ma. Angelica R. Canizares , Mary Joy D. Capunitan-Abasolo , Jhuliet Arianne G. Lantican , Samantha Lian D. M. Magsanoc , "Institutionalizing Cooperation and Sustaining Collective Action: The Case of the Binulasan Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management Association," Environment and Ecology Research, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 768 - 778, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2023.110507.

(b). APA Format:
Mark Joseph J. Buncag , Julienne Bariuan-Elca , Ma. Angelica R. Canizares , Mary Joy D. Capunitan-Abasolo , Jhuliet Arianne G. Lantican , Samantha Lian D. M. Magsanoc (2023). Institutionalizing Cooperation and Sustaining Collective Action: The Case of the Binulasan Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management Association. Environment and Ecology Research, 11(5), 768 - 778. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2023.110507.