Journals Information
Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 11(6), pp. 3877 - 3895
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110646
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Efficiency in Design and Stability Assessment of Rigid and Semi-Rigid Reticulated Dome Structures
Guy Oyéniran ADEOTI 1,*, Peace Sèna HOUNKPE 1, Ernesto Cabral HOUEHANOU 2, Omar Farouk DJIBRIL 2, Éric Adéchina ALAMOU 1
1 Laboratory of Testing and Studies in Civil Engineering (L2EGC), National University of Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (UNSTIM), Department of Zou, Goho Abomey, Republic of Benin
2 Laboratory of Energetics and Applied Mechanics (LEMA), Abomey-Calavi, Republic of Benin
This research introduces an innovative methodology to accurately determine the compressive strength of reticulated dome members constructed from 6082-T6 aluminum alloys prone to buckling. Our approach employs a customized mathematical model represented as a Perry-type curve, specifically tailored to capture the unique behavior of these structural components. To validate the effectiveness and precision of our proposed technique, we conducted comprehensive geometric and material nonlinear analyses (GMNA) on two distinct configurations of single-layered reticulated domes. These domes were interconnected in both rigid and semi-rigid manners, with the incorporation of aluminum connection bending stiffness meticulously integrated into a rigorously validated computational framework. The resultant load data facilitated the precise calculation of column strength for the reticulated dome members. To provide context and benchmark our findings, we compared the strength coefficient derived from our methodology against stability coefficients obtained from established industry standards. These standards encompass the American specification for aluminum structures, Eurocode 9 for aluminum structure design in Europe, GB50017-2003 for steel structure design in China, and GB50429-2007 for aluminum structure design in China. Subsequently, we developed a dedicated column strength curve specific to these domes and conducted a thorough comparison with column curves outlined in various industry codes. Finally, we present a meticulous comparative analysis between the outcomes of our study and the results reported by Adeoti et al. [2] and Rasmussen and Rondal [1]. By introducing this novel column curve expression and providing extensive comparative insights, this research significantly advances our understanding of the stability and strength characteristics of 6082-T6 aluminum-alloy reticulated domes when subjected to compressive loads. This contribution enhances the design and assessment of such structures in engineering practice.
Aluminum Materials, Buckling Analysis, Reticulated Domes, Semi-Rigid Joints, Strength Curve, Structural Stability and Design
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Guy Oyéniran ADEOTI , Peace Sèna HOUNKPE , Ernesto Cabral HOUEHANOU , Omar Farouk DJIBRIL , Éric Adéchina ALAMOU , "Efficiency in Design and Stability Assessment of Rigid and Semi-Rigid Reticulated Dome Structures," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 3877 - 3895, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110646.
(b). APA Format:
Guy Oyéniran ADEOTI , Peace Sèna HOUNKPE , Ernesto Cabral HOUEHANOU , Omar Farouk DJIBRIL , Éric Adéchina ALAMOU (2023). Efficiency in Design and Stability Assessment of Rigid and Semi-Rigid Reticulated Dome Structures. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 11(6), 3877 - 3895. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110646.