Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 11(6), pp. 3826 - 3836
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110642
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The Case Study of Using Geotextiles Reinforced Structure to Repair Mountain Road Landslide in Toraja - Indonesia

Andri Irfan Rifai 1,*, Surya Kencana Bhakti 2, Susanty Handayani 3
1 Faculty of Civil Engineering & Planning, Universitas Internasional Batam, Indonesia
2 Directorate General of Highway, Indonesia
3 Trisakti Institute of Transportation and Logistics, Jakarta, Indonesia


The potential for landslides on mountain roads in Indonesia is relatively high and poses a challenge for engineers. Generally, landslides are initiated by rain infiltration, earthquake or vehicle vibrations, and human activities resulting in load changes or land use on the slopes. This study aims to determine the stability value of mountain road slopes after a landslide occurs and calculate the value and the required reinforcement method. The research case study was conducted on the mountain road Toraja-Indonesia. The analysis method uses manual and Geoslope Software. The integrated Geoslope Software combines multiple analyses using different products into a single modeling project. The results of planning using geotextile reinforcement on the slopes by slightly changing the geometry of the initial slope after the landslide obtained safety factor (SF) variations in vertical loads 1 and 2, groundwater level variations 1 and 2, and earthquake loads. The SF for pre-landslide conditions is unstable (≤ 1.07), and conditions after the landslide are primarily critical, with SF dominant at 1.07-1.25. Meanwhile, after using geotextile, the condition was stable (≥ 1.25). The results of this study prove that embankments built on soft soil tend to spread laterally due to horizontal earth pressure acting inside the embankment. Although the properly planned installation of high-strength geotextile or geogrid will reinforce stability and prevent collapse, geotextile or geogrid will also reduce horizontal and vertical displacement of the soil beneath it, thereby reducing differential settlement. Therefore, reinforcing mountain roads with geotextiles is optimal enough to be implemented.

Geotextile, Landslide, Mountain Road, Reinforced

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Andri Irfan Rifai , Surya Kencana Bhakti , Susanty Handayani , "The Case Study of Using Geotextiles Reinforced Structure to Repair Mountain Road Landslide in Toraja - Indonesia," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 3826 - 3836, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110642.

(b). APA Format:
Andri Irfan Rifai , Surya Kencana Bhakti , Susanty Handayani (2023). The Case Study of Using Geotextiles Reinforced Structure to Repair Mountain Road Landslide in Toraja - Indonesia. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 11(6), 3826 - 3836. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110642.