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Food Science and Technology Vol. 11(4), pp. 210 - 217
DOI: 10.13189/fst.2023.110403
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Dimethyl Sulfoxide Stabilize the Color of Clitoria ternatea Flower Extract at pH 6-8 by Preventing the Deacylation: A Spectrophotometric Evidence
Abdullah Muzi Marpaung *, Christine Suwandy
Department of Food Technology, Swiss German University, Indonesia
The pursuit of stable natural food colorants arises from health concerns linked to artificial coloring agents. Polyacylated anthocyanins, known for their deep and stable color in various food pH conditions, have emerged as promising natural alternatives. Among these, the butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) flower contains polyacylated anthocyanins called ternatins. However, the color stability of butterfly pea flower extract diminishes at higher pH levels. Surprisingly, despite their conventional role in weakening intramolecular copigmentation, organic solvents have been found to enhance the color stability of butterfly pea flower extract at pH 7. This study focused on investigating the potential stabilizing effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on the color of butterfly pea flower extract at pH 6, 7, and 8 using spectrophotometric analysis and varying concentrations of DMSO. The results demonstrated that the addition of DMSO did not significantly alter the extract's spectrogram, indicating the absence of complex formation between DMSO and anthocyanins or flavonoids. Notably, the presence of DMSO remarkably improved color stability compared to DMSO-free extracts. The highest enhancement was achieved with 20% DMSO, extending the color retention period from 61.4 to 206.6 days, depending on the pH level. Analysis of spectrogram patterns over time revealed that color degradation in extracts with DMSO concentrations ≥ 20% was reversible, primarily attributed to the unfolding of hydrophobic interactions, while chemical degradation through deacylation of polyacylated anthocyanins had not yet occurred. Further analysis confirmed a significant decrease at anthocyanin levels in extracts without DMSO and those with 10% DMSO, while extracts with ≥ 20% DMSO maintained stable anthocyanin levels. This study enhanced our understanding of butterfly pea flower extract color stability and unveiled the unexpected stabilizing effect of DMSO. The findings provided valuable insights for the development of natural colorants, emphasizing the role of organic solvents in enhancing color stability. However, limitations included the sole focus on DMSO as the solvent and the need for further exploration of underlying mechanisms and practical implications. Nonetheless, this study represented a significant stride toward harnessing the potential of butterfly pea flower extract as a stable natural food colorant.
Butterfly Pea Flower Extract, Color Stability, DMSO, Polyacylated Anthocyanins, pH Levels
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Abdullah Muzi Marpaung , Christine Suwandy , "Dimethyl Sulfoxide Stabilize the Color of Clitoria ternatea Flower Extract at pH 6-8 by Preventing the Deacylation: A Spectrophotometric Evidence," Food Science and Technology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 210 - 217, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/fst.2023.110403.
(b). APA Format:
Abdullah Muzi Marpaung , Christine Suwandy (2023). Dimethyl Sulfoxide Stabilize the Color of Clitoria ternatea Flower Extract at pH 6-8 by Preventing the Deacylation: A Spectrophotometric Evidence. Food Science and Technology, 11(4), 210 - 217. DOI: 10.13189/fst.2023.110403.