Journals Information
Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 11(6), pp. 3642 - 3650
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110630
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Suitability of the Bioclimatic Architectural Design Concept and the Achievement of Thermal Comfort in the Building (Case Study of Baitul Musyahadah Mosque in Banda Aceh City)
Mirza Fuady 1,*, Rizal Munadi 2, M. Andrian Kevin 1
1 Department of Architecture and Planning, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Several mosques in Banda Aceh city have developed an artificial air conditioning system employing a cooling unit in the form of an air conditioner in order to create thermal comfort conditions for worshipers. The mosque's initial plan called for it to be open, but its closure was brought about by the adoption of this artificial air conditioning system. This reveals a flaw in the building's original design. Ideally, a climate-responsive bioclimatic architectural design strategy can be used to ameliorate this problem. One of the large mosques in Banda Aceh city that still use a natural cooling system is Baitul Musyahadah mosque. This study was done to find out suitability of the bioclimatic architectural design concept and the achievement of thermal comfort in the interior area Baitul Musyahadah Mosque. Data for this study were gathered through observation and interviews, using qualitative methodologies. The findings indicated that the majority of attendees believed the mosque's interior area to be warm and expected more air conditioning amenities. The results of the questionnaire on thermal comfort perception are generally consistent with the measurement results, which were based on the air temperature conditions in the mosque at the time it was not deemed to be at its most comfortable, but fell into the warm or hot comfortable category.
Bioclimatic Architecture, Climate-Responsive, Masjid Kupiah Meukeutop, Passive Cooling, Thermal Comfort Perception
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Mirza Fuady , Rizal Munadi , M. Andrian Kevin , "Suitability of the Bioclimatic Architectural Design Concept and the Achievement of Thermal Comfort in the Building (Case Study of Baitul Musyahadah Mosque in Banda Aceh City)," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 3642 - 3650, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110630.
(b). APA Format:
Mirza Fuady , Rizal Munadi , M. Andrian Kevin (2023). Suitability of the Bioclimatic Architectural Design Concept and the Achievement of Thermal Comfort in the Building (Case Study of Baitul Musyahadah Mosque in Banda Aceh City). Civil Engineering and Architecture, 11(6), 3642 - 3650. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110630.