Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 11(6), pp. 3370 - 3388
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110612
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Scour Prediction in Boulder Beds (Special Reference to Doodh Ganga) Budgam, JK, India

Muzamil Ahmad Rafiqui 1,*, M. A. Lone 2, M. A. Tantray 2
1 Department of JK Jal Shakti, National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India
2 Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India


Owing to scour failure of well-designed hydraulic structures, the present study was attempted for a failproof model for evaluation of scour depth below bed level (D) as a function of unit discharge (q), bed slope (S), and mean particle size (dm) for complex steep boulder river beds in the form of D=KqxSydmz. The independent parameters q, S, and dm have their usual significance and x, y, z are its indices, besides a coefficient K. A desired data sheet was achieved for all the four parameters and analysis done through logarithm and matrix method for establishing the model. The model developed was validated on other streams and further validated on a model developed through response surface method (RSM) of Minitab software. The nonlinear multiple regression through IBM-SPSS software demonstrated the strong relationship with (R2=0.985). Previous research considered bed material size up to 12 mm only which contradicts the field condition when large size material moves with furious flowing steep slopes. Therefore, bed material up to 100 mm size has been considered for study. It cannot be claimed that the model is absolute, but is one of the first studies in this field, opening a window for elaborate studies to fine tune the equation; yet it is evident that parameters involved are the real parameters for any equation whatever method is adopted. The present study is a new work and the model through RSM from Minitab used for validation was found matching. In addition to more rigorous field studies, artificial channels can also be used for study of scour reaching up to 100 mm or more bed material size, steep slopes to fine tune the model for its global use. No absolute scour estimation formula is available for steep boulder beds and complex topography. Thus, the model may serve for precise scour estimation, in the interest of the safety and economy of hydraulic structures. The study addressed scour failure even in well-designed hydraulic structures, bridging a research gap. Otherwise, due to scour failures especially bridges, the communication routes get affected making all especially the general public suffer.

Scour Depth (D), Bed Slope (S), Logarithm, Matrix Method, Nonlinear Multiple Regression., Response Surface Method (RSM)

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Muzamil Ahmad Rafiqui , M. A. Lone , M. A. Tantray , "Scour Prediction in Boulder Beds (Special Reference to Doodh Ganga) Budgam, JK, India," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 3370 - 3388, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110612.

(b). APA Format:
Muzamil Ahmad Rafiqui , M. A. Lone , M. A. Tantray (2023). Scour Prediction in Boulder Beds (Special Reference to Doodh Ganga) Budgam, JK, India. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 11(6), 3370 - 3388. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110612.