Journals Information
Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 11(6), pp. 3260 - 3277
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110602
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Using Sustainble Architectural Wind-Driven Tubes Roof-Pond to Save Energy on Roof Cooling Loads in Tropical Climate: CFD Modeling and Experimental Investigations
Danny Santoso Mintorogo *
Department of Architecture, Petra Christian University, Indonesia
The global increase in energy-related crises has led to the development of innovation to save energy resources for passive cooling or heating to cope with convective roof-pond as conventional one which uses open-close layers. Therefore, this research was conducted to save cooling energy by enhancing the conventional roof-pond through the implementation of a new application in the form of a wind-driven tube roof-pond. Several considerations: First, this roof pond is classified as an open roof pond equipped with a V-shaped shading device to block solar radiation from the sun in the morning and afternoon utilizing gusts of wind to cool the water temperature in the roof pond. Second, eliminating the traditional roof pond which operates mechanically open–close the layer water pond during the day if the roof pond is closed during the day when solar radiation is hot, the water temperature will increase because there is no cross ventilation or wind blowing to cool the water roof pond in tropical hot and humid climates. Third: energy saving of cooling loads from building will include building skin loads, windows cooling loads and roof cooling loads. The roof pond will reduce heat flux most of all cooling loads from the roofs. So the roof pond research with the implementation of iron tubes accelerates cooling due to a lot of wind gusts so that it can save cooling load energy from the heat loads of the roof. The process methodology involved simulating the transportation of forced wind through a series of iron tubes using CFD. The convective cooling of ponds was also enhanced to examine the V shading devices at right angles. Moreover, the experimental models were used to determine the water pond and room ambient temperatures using Onset Hobo data loggers type U12 equipment and the final result showed that cooler of water pond occurred at 0.2 to 1℃ which is crucial among of temperatures in tropical climate zone and obtaining room ambient temperature of 0.2 to 0.7℃ in a wind-driven tubes system. It was concluded that the wind-driven roof-pond has a cooling load saving of 100 – 250 Watts per square meter day and night with wind-driven tubes.
Sustainable, Architectural Wind-Driven Tubes, Roof-Pond, Saving Energy, Roof Cooling Load, Tropical Climate
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Danny Santoso Mintorogo , "Using Sustainble Architectural Wind-Driven Tubes Roof-Pond to Save Energy on Roof Cooling Loads in Tropical Climate: CFD Modeling and Experimental Investigations," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 3260 - 3277, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110602.
(b). APA Format:
Danny Santoso Mintorogo (2023). Using Sustainble Architectural Wind-Driven Tubes Roof-Pond to Save Energy on Roof Cooling Loads in Tropical Climate: CFD Modeling and Experimental Investigations. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 11(6), 3260 - 3277. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110602.