Journals Information
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences Vol. 11(5), pp. 1084 - 1090
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110517
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Development of Sport Massage (e-Sport Massage) Based on Android App with ADDIE Design as a Learning Media for Students
Didik Purwanto , Hendrik Mentara , Marhadi *
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako University, Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to produce an e-sport massage application based on an Android app with ADDIE design and effective as a learning media for students. This study hopes to improve students' interest in sports massage courses by making it simple for them to learn on-the-go via applications on their smartphones. This study makes use of the ADDIE model design for research and development (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluation). The research is conducted at Muhammadiyah University Palu and Tadulako University. There are 36 research participants from two distinct campuses. The results of the content expert validation study suggest that the agree category has an average score of 0.78 across all elements, indicating that the research development model module is within the bounds of acceptable qualifications, allowing for necessary revisions. The experts in learning design validated their findings with an overall average score of 0.73 in the agree category, this indicates that multiple changes are required even though the e-sport massage application development is well qualified. According to the validation analysis performed by experts in learning media, the overall average score is 0.83, falling into the agree group, which indicates that the module is extremely high quality and does not require revision. According to the trial's findings, it showed an increase in effectiveness; whereas students' average scores before utilizing these media were 65, after using this e-sport massage application, they were 80. The results of the assessment used pre-test and post-test, where before pre-test students have not used e-sport massage and when post-test students have used the media. The e-sport massage application can improve practicum skills by 80%, while the product acceptability of e-sport massage applications to students is 90%, which shows that this application can be applied to students very well. We recommend that this application be developed further and that further research be conducted.
e-Sport Massage, ADDIE Design, Learning Media
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Didik Purwanto , Hendrik Mentara , Marhadi , "Development of Sport Massage (e-Sport Massage) Based on Android App with ADDIE Design as a Learning Media for Students," International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 1084 - 1090, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110517.
(b). APA Format:
Didik Purwanto , Hendrik Mentara , Marhadi (2023). Development of Sport Massage (e-Sport Massage) Based on Android App with ADDIE Design as a Learning Media for Students. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 11(5), 1084 - 1090. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110517.