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International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences Vol. 11(5), pp. 1044 - 1059
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110513
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Analysis of Physical Fitness Profile of Athletes with Intellectual Disability in Special Olympics Indonesia (SOIna) after the Covid-19 Pandemic
Slamet Sukriadi 1,*, Yasep Setiakarnawijaya 1, James Tangkudung 1, Firmansyah Dlis 1, Dicky Reva Apriana Sanga Dwi 2, Muhamad Arif 1, Bazuri Fadillah 1, Mustara 1, Nur Fitranto 1, Ikhwan Setiawan 1
1 Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
2 Department of Physical Education, STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan, Indonesia
Special Olympics Indonesia or SOIna is the only organization in Indonesia that is accredited by Special Olympics International (SOI) to organize training and sports competitions for mentally retarded citizens in Indonesia. Indonesia became a member of the 79th Special Olympics on August 9, 1989. The main program of SOIna is training and sports competitions throughout the year. There are 7 sports that are fostered, namely Athletics, Badminton, Table Tennis, Football, Basketball, Swimming, and Bocce. SOIna also held multi-level sports competitions starting from the Regency, Provincial, Regional, and National Levels. Experts in this study were recruited to conduct analysis on SOIna athletes, namely an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to determine their fitness profile. After analyzing the SWOT, it is hoped that it will be taken into consideration by the head coach or physical trainer to analyze the lack of training or good methods for the condition of mentally retarded athletes, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, they rarely exercise, so that it can affect the child's health or mentality. The data collection technique in this study was to perform a physical condition ability test. This test was conducted on Athletes with Intellectual Disabilities who were sampled in this study, namely tests for measuring, Anthropometry and Body Mass Index and Biomotor Test: (1) Speed; (2) Arm Muscle Strength; (3) Limb Muscle Strength; (4) Abdominal Muscle Endurance; (5) Arm Muscle Endurance and (6) Aerobic Endurance. The material for measurement is the physiology laboratory at the State University of Jakarta, such as using a dynamometer for the core balance test and the VO2max test using the Rockport method, this test is used as a calculation and analysis for athletes with intellectual disability.
SOIna, Fitness Profile, SWOT Analysis
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Slamet Sukriadi , Yasep Setiakarnawijaya , James Tangkudung , Firmansyah Dlis , Dicky Reva Apriana Sanga Dwi , Muhamad Arif , Bazuri Fadillah , Mustara , Nur Fitranto , Ikhwan Setiawan , "Analysis of Physical Fitness Profile of Athletes with Intellectual Disability in Special Olympics Indonesia (SOIna) after the Covid-19 Pandemic," International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 1044 - 1059, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110513.
(b). APA Format:
Slamet Sukriadi , Yasep Setiakarnawijaya , James Tangkudung , Firmansyah Dlis , Dicky Reva Apriana Sanga Dwi , Muhamad Arif , Bazuri Fadillah , Mustara , Nur Fitranto , Ikhwan Setiawan (2023). Analysis of Physical Fitness Profile of Athletes with Intellectual Disability in Special Olympics Indonesia (SOIna) after the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 11(5), 1044 - 1059. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110513.