Journals Information
Universal Journal of Physics and Application Vol. 17(3), pp. 19 - 31
DOI: 10.13189/ujpa.2023.170301
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The Disk of Concave Mirrors: An Experiment of the Light with Contradictory Formulas
Akram Louiz *
Independent Researcher, Settat, Morocco
The development of the modern world is accelerating thanks to many scientific achievements of physics that are being applied in our technological fields. The optic fibers for example contributed in deploying the internet networks around the world and are considered the main current application of light in technologies. However, quantum devices are still considered not ready to be widely used by ordinary consumers, because studying the light has always been a very difficult task. Optics researches started from ancient philosophical and theological works and are still being developed by famous physics scientists as the main subject of their quantum physics experiments that can’t neglect even the principles of Einstein’s Relativity. And thus, motivated by the appearance of my previous article about the light in the very useful Book titled the "Worldwide List of Alternative Theories and Critics (edition 2023)", I proposed an experiment similar to Sagnac-disk by using moving concave mirrors in order to trap light beams in a rotating environment. I presented in this work the related formulas and I could even guess some recurrence relations if the trapped Light-Beam is reflected several times from the moving wall of mirrors. However, the work exposes a contradiction concerning the reflected light beams velocity vectors and this makes us suspect the correctness of some formulas of light reflection when dealing with concave mirrors. The aim of this article is to propose an experiment that can be very interesting since it can expose an interesting effect of the rotating mirrors on the light. The methodology of the developed formulae is simplified by using mathematical and geometric demonstrations without needing any complicated results from the background of other published articles. However, the observed contradictions about concave mirrors that are exposed in this article should be studied experimentally in order to deduce the correct formulas before performing the experiment of the disk of rotating concave mirrors in the laboratories. Hence, this is a basis that would make this interesting experiment succeed in order to observe all the effects of moving concave mirrors on the light.
Light, Laser, Beam, Reflection, Mirror, Experiment, Velocity Vectors, Projections, Contradiction
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Akram Louiz , "The Disk of Concave Mirrors: An Experiment of the Light with Contradictory Formulas," Universal Journal of Physics and Application, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 19 - 31, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/ujpa.2023.170301.
(b). APA Format:
Akram Louiz (2023). The Disk of Concave Mirrors: An Experiment of the Light with Contradictory Formulas. Universal Journal of Physics and Application, 17(3), 19 - 31. DOI: 10.13189/ujpa.2023.170301.