Journals Information
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences Vol. 11(4), pp. 926 - 937
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110429
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Selected Physical Fitness Efficiency in the Improvement of Students' Body Mass Index in an Online Learning Environment
Jonar Martin 1,*, Joseph Lobo 2, Jennifer De Jesus 1, Michael Santos 1, Sharon Baltazar 3, Jeronie Baltazar 3, Jumel Miller 1
1 Institute of Sports, Physical Education, and Recreation, Central Luzon State University, Philippines
2 Independent Researcher, Pampanga, Philippines
3 Department of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports, Pampanga Agricultural State University, Philippines
This experimental study aimed to assess the contribution of a subset of Physical Fitness Tests (PFTs) to the improvement in the Body Mass Index of the participants in an online learning environment. The participants are asked to perform a series of fitness over the course of five (5) weeks by performing individual tests per week, and comparing their pre- and post-test scores while accounting for gender, age, and BMI. The participants are selected via Judgmental Sampling Technique, and the data were collected by using two (2) parts questionnaire. For the first part, personal profiles such as gender (Nfemale = 33(66.00%), Nmale = 17(34.00%), age (N21yo = 20(40.00%), N19yo = 15(30.00%), N20yo = 15(30.00%), and pre-test Body Mass Index (Nnormal = 30(60.00%), Nunderweight = 12(24.00%), Nobese = 8(16.00%) are all included. The second part requested the participants to answer the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q). Descriptive statistical methods were used to describe participants' demographic profiles and PFT results. Additionally, One-way ANOVA and Independent Samples T-Test were utilized comparing the before and after performing the selected PFTs according to gender, age and BMI. Finally, Paired samples t-test was used to determine the significant difference between the pre- and post-test scores of the participants after administering the series of PFTs. There is no statistically significant difference in performance between the genders, with the exception of the vertical jump test (69.99 ± 27.50 vs. 38.21 ± 17.78), t(48) = 4.946, p < .05. Male participants were shown to fare better than female ones. Finally, after five (5) consecutive weeks of executing the selected PFTs, a statistically significant improvement was seen in the individuals' post-test scores (20.45 ± 3.53) compared to their pre-test scores (20.85 ± 3.77), t(49) = 4.233, p < .05. Restrictions of the experimentation and suggestions for future study are also provided.
Distance Learning Modality, Efficiency, Physical Education, Physical Fitness Test, Undergraduate Students
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Jonar Martin , Joseph Lobo , Jennifer De Jesus , Michael Santos , Sharon Baltazar , Jeronie Baltazar , Jumel Miller , "Selected Physical Fitness Efficiency in the Improvement of Students' Body Mass Index in an Online Learning Environment," International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 926 - 937, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110429.
(b). APA Format:
Jonar Martin , Joseph Lobo , Jennifer De Jesus , Michael Santos , Sharon Baltazar , Jeronie Baltazar , Jumel Miller (2023). Selected Physical Fitness Efficiency in the Improvement of Students' Body Mass Index in an Online Learning Environment. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 11(4), 926 - 937. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110429.