Journals Information
Mathematics and Statistics Vol. 11(4), pp. 746 - 751
DOI: 10.13189/ms.2023.110417
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NE-Nil Clean Rings and Their Generalization
Renas T. M.Salim 1,*, Nazar H. Shuker 2
1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zakho University, Iraq
2 Department of Math., College of Computer Science and Math., Mosul University, Iraq
This article presents the concept of a NE-nil clean ring, which is a generalization of the strongly nil clean ring. A ring R is considered NE-nil clean if, for every a in R, there exists a1 in R such that aa1 = with a − a1 = q and a1q = qa1, where q is nilpotent and is idempotent. This article's aim is to introduce a new type of ring, the NE-nil clean ring, and provide the fundamental properties of this ring. We also establish the relationship between NE-nil clean rings and 2-Boolean rings. Additionally, we demonstrate that the Jacobson radical and the right singular ideal over NE-nil clean ring are nil ideals. Among other results, we prove that every strongly nil clean ring and every weak * nil clean ring are NE-nil clean. We establish that a strongly 2-nil clean ring and NE-nil clean ring are equivalent. Furthermore, we introduce and investigate NT-nil clean ring, that is a ring with every a in R, there exists a1 in R such that aa1 = t with a − a1 = q and a1q = qa1, where t is a tripotent and q is nilpotent, by showing that these rings are a generalization of NE-nil clean rings. We provide the basic properties of these rings and explore their relationship with NE-nil clean and Zhou rings.
Idempotents, Tripotents, Strongly Nil Clean, Strongly 2-nil Clean
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Renas T. M.Salim , Nazar H. Shuker , "NE-Nil Clean Rings and Their Generalization," Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 746 - 751, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/ms.2023.110417.
(b). APA Format:
Renas T. M.Salim , Nazar H. Shuker (2023). NE-Nil Clean Rings and Their Generalization. Mathematics and Statistics, 11(4), 746 - 751. DOI: 10.13189/ms.2023.110417.