International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences Vol. 11(4), pp. 789 - 795
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110412
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The Psychological Compatibility in Relation to Movement Satisfaction among Swimming Courses Students

Mohammad Al Dababseh 1,*, Khitam Ay 2, Maysaloun Alshadideh 3, Bilal Saada 4, Ibrahim Almahireh 5, Mohammad Abu Altaieb 2
1 Department of Physical Education, School of Sport Science, The University of Jordan, Jordan
2 Department of Kinesiology and Sport Training, School of Sport Science, The University of Jordan, Jordan
3 Department of Physical Education, College of Education Sciences, Al-Bayat University, Jordan
4 Ministry of Education, Jordan
5 School of Sport Exercise and Health Science, Loughborough University, Jordan


This study aimed to identify whether there are differences between the students in the swimming courses at the University of Jordan in terms of psychological compatibility and movement satisfaction levels which can be attributed to gender. It also aimed to explore the relationship between psychological compatibility and movement satisfaction among the latter students. The sample of the study consists of sixty (60) male students, and forty-five (45) female students from the physical education faculty at the University of Jordan. The researchers used a psychological compatibility questionnaire in which reliability and validity have been checked. This questionnaire consists of 42 items. The researchers used means, standard deviations, independent samples t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. It was found that there isn't any statistical difference - at the statistical significance level of P≤0.05 – between the respondents in terms of psychological compatibility and movement satisfaction which can be attributed to gender. It was found that there is a positive correlation - at the statistical significance level of P≤0.05 - between psychological compatibility and movement satisfaction among the students enrolled in the swimming courses at the physical education faculty at the University of Jordan. The researchers found that developing the sports skills of the students enrolled in the physical education faculties requires improving their mental and psychological well-being.

Physical Education, Sport Psychology, Swimming, Attitude

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Mohammad Al Dababseh , Khitam Ay , Maysaloun Alshadideh , Bilal Saada , Ibrahim Almahireh , Mohammad Abu Altaieb , "The Psychological Compatibility in Relation to Movement Satisfaction among Swimming Courses Students," International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 789 - 795, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110412.

(b). APA Format:
Mohammad Al Dababseh , Khitam Ay , Maysaloun Alshadideh , Bilal Saada , Ibrahim Almahireh , Mohammad Abu Altaieb (2023). The Psychological Compatibility in Relation to Movement Satisfaction among Swimming Courses Students. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 11(4), 789 - 795. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110412.