Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 11(5), pp. 107 - 116
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2023.110502
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Student-Athletes Education: A Holistic Framework

Khaled Hussein *, Jassem Al Jaber , Ali Fawaz
Aspire Academy, Aspire Zone, Qatar


Student-athletes (SAs) need more from their education than just what their learning styles require. Additionally, they require an education that takes into account their restricted time and energy, as well as the psychological requirements brought on by their obligations to their sporting teams and attendance duties. SAs should develop the leadership and behavioral traits that help them represent themselves, their teams, schools, and nations as representatives of their institutions. Therefore, the cognitive and behavioral education supplied to regular students should not be the only components of the SA educational experience. It should also include future navigation and cross-cutting skills. In this study, a holistic framework for educating SAs is developed to ensure that their education is well-planned. This framework is based on readiness frameworks defined by educational institutions such as UNESCO and ACT. It highlights four constructs that play a major role in ensuring the readiness for SAs' to continue their education and professional development. The four constructs are classified into two groups: Educational Readiness and Career/professional Readiness with a focus on sport-related career paths. The study found that each construct includes a group of learning skills required for SAs based on their learning profile.

Student-Athletes, Education Framework, Core Academic Skills, Behavioral Skills, Cross-Cutting Capabilities, Career Navigation Skills

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Khaled Hussein , Jassem Al Jaber , Ali Fawaz , "Student-Athletes Education: A Holistic Framework," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 107 - 116, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2023.110502.

(b). APA Format:
Khaled Hussein , Jassem Al Jaber , Ali Fawaz (2023). Student-Athletes Education: A Holistic Framework. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 11(5), 107 - 116. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2023.110502.