Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 11(5), pp. 95 - 106
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2023.110501
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Teachers' Perception and Promotion of Social Justice for Learners with Special Educational Needs in Inclusive Classrooms
Isaac Nyame 1,*, Maxwell Kwesi Nyatsikor 2, Edward Kofi Ntim 3
1 Department of Educational Foundations Studies, Faculty of Education, University for Development Studies, Ghana
2 Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Education, Faculty of Education, University for Development Studies, Ghana
3 Department of Education and Psychology, College of Education Studies, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
The study explored teachers' perceptions about promoting social justice for primary school learners with special education needs and disabilities in the Tamale Metropolis in the Northern Region of Ghana. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was used. The study population comprised all public primary school teachers in the Tamale Metropolis. A total of 324 public primary school teachers from 46 randomly selected schools in the Municipality participated in the study. A close-ended questionnaire was used for data collection and analysed using Mean and Pearson correlation coefficient tests. The results suggested high teachers' knowledge and awareness of social justice dimensions. Also, there was a strong correlation between teachers' awareness and safeguarding and promoting social justice for learners. Though teachers indicated they had the skill to adapt the curriculum to the needs of the special learners, they preferred a different curriculum designed and implemented for them. The study recommends sustaining and intensifying teachers' awareness, skills and capacities to safeguard and promote the educational rights of all learners entrusted to them, regardless of their varying abilities and disabilities.
Social Justice, Special Needs, Disability, Primary School, Ghana
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Isaac Nyame , Maxwell Kwesi Nyatsikor , Edward Kofi Ntim , "Teachers' Perception and Promotion of Social Justice for Learners with Special Educational Needs in Inclusive Classrooms," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 95 - 106, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2023.110501.
(b). APA Format:
Isaac Nyame , Maxwell Kwesi Nyatsikor , Edward Kofi Ntim (2023). Teachers' Perception and Promotion of Social Justice for Learners with Special Educational Needs in Inclusive Classrooms. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 11(5), 95 - 106. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2023.110501.