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Universal Journal of Public Health Vol. 11(1), pp. 116 - 125
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2023.110113
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Computerized Tomographic Presentation of Geriatric Brain with Motor Function Impairment and Behavioural Changes in Nigerian Population
Usoro I.E 1, Idigo F.U 2, Ogunboyo O.F 3,*, Agbana R.D 4, Akhigbe R.O 1
1 Department of Radiography, Lead City University, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
2 Department of Radiography and Radiological Sciences, Faculty of Health Science and Technology, University of Nigeria, Enugu, Nigeria
3 Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Medical Sciences, Ondo City, Ondo State, Nigeria
4 Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria
Aging is characterized with its own challenges. Geriatric patients have been identified with behavioural changes and motor function impairment in many studies across the globe and Nigeria is not an exception. A prospective cross-sectional design was adopted while a primary method of data collection was used to elicit information from the geriatric patients, who had presented for CT scan of the brain between January 2019 and December 2019. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyze the data collected. Findings indicate that the distribution for behavioural changes as well as motor function impairments was 15.4% and 84.6% respectively. The major behavioural changes observed were outburst and mistrust (10.8%) and severe memory lapses (4.8%). The major motor function impairments observed were sudden collapse/loss of consciousness (42.7%), paraplegia (26.1%), right-sided body weakness (7.5%), difficulty in walking (4.0%), slurred speech/aphasia (3.0%) and left-sided body weakness (1.1%). There was significant association between the gender of the geriatrics and the behavioural changes and motor function impairments observed (x2 = 17.312, df = 4, P = .002). Chronic cerebral atrophy was suggested as the possible cause of behavioural changes among the geriatrics while cerebral infarct and cerebral haemorrhage were suggested as the possible causes of the motor function impairments among the geriatrics. There is substantial empirical evidence showing strong association between CT presentation of geriatric brain and behavioural changes and motor function impairments in geriatrics and age-related factors. Thus, urgent care and attention should be given to geriatric population in Nigeria to facilitate a healthy life while they age.
Geriatric, Computerized Tomography, Motor Function Impairment, Behavioural Changes, Memory Lapses
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Usoro I.E , Idigo F.U , Ogunboyo O.F , Agbana R.D , Akhigbe R.O , "Computerized Tomographic Presentation of Geriatric Brain with Motor Function Impairment and Behavioural Changes in Nigerian Population," Universal Journal of Public Health, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 116 - 125, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2023.110113.
(b). APA Format:
Usoro I.E , Idigo F.U , Ogunboyo O.F , Agbana R.D , Akhigbe R.O (2023). Computerized Tomographic Presentation of Geriatric Brain with Motor Function Impairment and Behavioural Changes in Nigerian Population. Universal Journal of Public Health, 11(1), 116 - 125. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2023.110113.