Universal Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 11(1), pp. 208 - 216
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2023.110121
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Institutional Performance of Agricultural Extension on the Rice Plant Production Improvement and Sustainable Food Security in West Java, Indonesia

Lukman Effendy 1,*, Detia Tri Yunandar 1, Ismaya Parawansa 2, Agusabti 3, Sujarwo 4, Ume Humaeda 5
1 Sustainable Agricultural Extension Study Program, Polbangtan, Bogor, Indonesia
2 Institutional and Manpower Sector, Agricultural Education Center, BPPSDMP, Jakarta, Indonesia
3 Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Aceh, Indonesia
4 Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
5 Agricultural Extension at the Center for the Assessment and Application of Agricultural Technology (BBPPTP) Bogor, Indonesia


The performance of agricultural extension institutions is thought to have contributed to the increase in rice production which has an impact on food security, therefore research was conducted in several sub-districts of Karawang, Cianjur, Sumedang and Tasik Regencies as rice production centers in West Java. This study aims to: (1) describe the performance of agricultural extension institutions at the sub-district level in increasing production and food security, (2) analyze the factors that influence performance, and (3) find strategies to increase performance. Determination of respondents was carried out in stages starting with the sub-district extension coordinator, sub-district extension officers, and 225 farmers assisted by extension workers. Data collection was carried out through direct interviews using a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability. The research results found; (1) institutional performance directly affects the increase in rice production, besides being influenced by extension technical competence and organizational commitment; institutional performance in Karawang Regency by most respondents was considered unsatisfactory with an average score of 2.663, so it still needs to be improved to increase rice production, (2) agricultural extension institutional performance (Y1) is determined by the availability of agricultural development programs (X6) and achievements (X5); and (3) The strategy for increasing institutional performance in increasing rice production can be started by running available development programs, at the same time encouraging agencies to continue to achieve achievements.

Performance, Agricultural Extension, Rice Plant Production, Sustainable Food Security

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Lukman Effendy , Detia Tri Yunandar , Ismaya Parawansa , Agusabti , Sujarwo , Ume Humaeda , "Institutional Performance of Agricultural Extension on the Rice Plant Production Improvement and Sustainable Food Security in West Java, Indonesia," Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 208 - 216, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2023.110121.

(b). APA Format:
Lukman Effendy , Detia Tri Yunandar , Ismaya Parawansa , Agusabti , Sujarwo , Ume Humaeda (2023). Institutional Performance of Agricultural Extension on the Rice Plant Production Improvement and Sustainable Food Security in West Java, Indonesia. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 11(1), 208 - 216. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2023.110121.